There are times when a game can suffocate us because we forgot an important detail that it transmits to us throughout the adventure. That’s why this time I want to bring you a guide to the Hogwarts Legacy main quest known as The Shadows of The Vault, which will be essential to be able to advance in the game without problems. Let’s bother

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Hogwarts Legacy Shadows of the Vault Main Quest Guide

After talking with Sebastian, you will have to follow him to a strange room where you will have to have another long conversation with him. When the time has come, this one will teach you the Confringo spell, that you have to use to light some lamps suspended from the ceiling. After talking again with Sebastian and his movements (he can be a little turras), you will have to leave the vault to chat with Ominis. When you are done with both conversations, the quest will be complete.

What is the Confringo spell for in Hogwarts Legacy?

  • As we learn in this story mission, It is extremely useful for setting fire to key elements that are at a certain distance from us 1️⃣
  • Confringo is extremely useful, because it reaches places where Fire cannot. 2️⃣
  • Among other things, it will serve us to cComplete Trials of Merlin, various main quest puzzles and defeat some in-game enemies with ease 3️⃣

Well, there you have all the information I wanted to share. I remind you that in the link that I left you above you have the complete guide to Hogwarts Legacy, which will be extremely useful if you want to complete the game one hundred percent.

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