Find out the average prices of gasoline and diesel in the stores of Mexico City for this May 14.

Regular gasoline average price per liter: 20.967 pesos
Premium gasoline average price per liter: 22.696 pesos
Diesel average price per liter: 21.677 pesos

Prices reported by online permit holders in accordance with the obligation established in Agreement No. A / 041/2018 of the Energy Regulatory Commission.

The cost of gasoline can vary in Mexico, due to a variety of factors such as: reference prices, taxes and logistics.

The reference price is based on international oil pricesSince it is priced in dollars globally, therefore, the average cost of gasoline in this case will change with respect to the dollar-peso exchange rate.

In Mexico too a tax is paid for the gasoline consumed, that is, the Federal Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) and that is determined by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, in relation to the exchange rate, international oil reference prices and logistics costs.

As of January 1, 2020, the IEPS increased, which resulted in a adjustment of gasoline prices. In the Regular and Premium there was an increase of 3.33%, according to the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The Costs can also be modified for logistical reasons (transport and storage)That is, if fuel prices rise when transporting refined oil and gasoline in pipes or by ship, prices will also increase.

Other factors that influence fuel costs are due to geographic location.

Gasoline price by station

To consult the gasoline price by station, you can access the following official website of the Government of Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office (Profeco) also makes a site available to the user, in order to provide updated information on the service stations that sell gasoline and diesel with the highest and lowest prices in the Mexican Republic.

According to Profeco, the classification “Who’s who in gas prices” is built from the prices reported to the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) by the permit holders for the sale of gasoline and diesel to the public.

Profeco also makes the App Liter X Lliter available to users, available on IOS and Android.

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