Thanks to the drop in the indicators of people hospitalized in Mexico City, the epidemiological traffic light made the change in its contagion alert color, this was announced by the general director of Digital Government of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation (ADIP ), Eduardo Clark Garcia.

During a videoconference, he announced that the health traffic light went from yellow (medium alert of contagion) to green (low risk of contagion), starting next Monday, for which he announced a series of changes in activities.

“Today we have new news, we entered the green traffic light. It’s the first time we’ve been in this position since mid-June, ”he said.

Green traffic light in CDMX. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Due to the decrease in COVID-19 infections in CDMX and thanks to the modification in the sanitary traffic light, from the following week changes will be made in some activities such as:

What are the new modifications?

* The hours of operation in bars, canteens, nightclubs and event rooms will change the hours of operation, as they may close until 1:00 in the morning.

* They will handle 50% capacity.

* They will maintain sanitary filters upon admission.

* QR code scanning.

* Natural ventilation or recirculation of a minimum of 40% ventilation indoors.

In addition, in the case of massive outdoor events, they may operate without capacity restrictions, mandatory use of face masks and sanitary filters.

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