The government of Argentina announced on Sunday night new measures to minimize the transmission of the coronavirus covid-19 “In view of the worrying epidemiological situation” and ordered the national public administration to return to remote work prior to the Easter holiday.
“From Monday, March 29 to Wednesday, March 31, inclusive, the national public sector is exempted from being present at the workplace, it must be fulfilled by teleworking”, said the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, in a statement together with the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.
The government of Alberto Fernandez It recommended joining the initiative to the provinces, municipalities, the judiciary and legislature and the private sector, it said in a statement.
“The epidemiological situation is worrying. There is a sustained increase in the number of cases in most of the country’s departments ”, Vizzotti stated.
Given the proximity of the holiday next Thursday and Friday for Easter, the authorities considered “essential to redouble efforts to strengthen care and sustain tourism with care, avoiding high-risk activities.”
“When we had a regrowth in January, we were able to carry out careful tourism. This is what we want to propose at Easter, we need to revalidate all active protocols ”, toCafiero warned.
In the last summer season, 12.8 million Argentines were mobilized through the country, according to official data.
On Monday there will be meetings of the Ministries of Health and Tourism with the chambers of tourism, transport, and airlines, to strengthen the protocols.
The government reported that classes will not be suspended as it considers presence in classrooms “a priority”. The bubble system for students, launched in March, at the beginning of the school year, will be maintained.
The authorities recommended adopting “intensive, localized and transitory measures” to 45 municipalities in 13 provinces that registered exponential increases in infections, including the city of Buenos Aires.
Argentina since Saturday reinforced border control, the testing of those who return to the country and announced the suspension of flights from Chile, Mexico and Brazil, in addition to those from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, to prevent the entry of new variants of the coronavirus that imply greater risk.
“Although none of the new variants has a persistent circulation, 45 cases have been detected, 28 of the United Kingdom variant and 17 of the Manaus variant” in different parts of the country, the official statement said.
Argentina, which has had 3.6 million doses of anticovid-19 vaccines applied, exceeds 2.3 million infections since the start of the pandemic, with 55,449 deaths.