An 8-month-old baby who was given chlorine dioxide by her mother for an alleged mistake, remained in “Serious state” but stable and with mechanical ventilation, reported health sources in the Santa Fe city of Rosario.

The girl was treated last Sunday at the Hospital “Eva Perón” in the town of Granadero Baigorria after ingesting chlorine dioxide, in an apparent error of the mother. Due to the seriousness of the condition, she was transferred to the Northern Zone Children’s Hospital of Rosario, where she remains hospitalized in serious condition.

He remains serious, but stable for the moment, with a complex picture and mechanical respiratory assistance in the critical care room,said the director of the health center, Monica Jurado, by providing the medical report.


The products that are promoted with this composition are not authorized as drugs or dietary supplements, nor do they have studies that demonstrate their effectiveness.

He also added that the drink “has direct lesions due to ingestion in the upper digestive tract, at the level of the esophagus and stomach”. In addition, Jurado pointed out that “he also presents lung lesions, which we call chemical pneumonitis due to the product’s gases.”

According to the mother told the hospital doctors, On Sunday night she went to prepare a bottle for her daughter but having lost her sense of smell due to a picture of coronavirus, she mistakenly used chlorine dioxide she had in a bottle.

According to health authorities, the woman said that the chemist was at home because his mother had taken him to clean pipes. After ingesting “Two or three sips”, the baby began with vomiting and breathing difficulties, health spokesmen explained.

Finally, she was treated first at the hospital in Granadero Baigorria, a neighboring city to Rosario, and then transferred to this town due to the severity of the condition she suffered.

You have to be very careful, especially if there are children or babies in the house.” Said Jurado about chlorine dioxide, which without any scientific proof is used as a presumed medicine for some diseases.

The ANMAT specified on several occasions that the use of chlorine dioxide for the treatment of COVID-19 or other diseases, does not have studies that demonstrate its effectiveness and it does not have authorization by anybody for its commercialization and use.

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