WhatsApp Plus Red online is an enhancement of WhatsApp Plus similar to Blue WhatsApp Plus. Below we give you all the details and tell you how to download it.

WhatsApp Plus Red is a version similar to WhatsApp Plus Blue with which you can enjoy some of the best features of the App.

According to specialized technology media, with this new version you can also block the application using a pattern or fingerprint.

How to download WhatsApp Plus Red?

  1. Download from the WhatsApp Plus application from your cell phone browser.
  2. Once installed, open the app and go to the menu at the top right.
  3. You will find the universal option, then the “styles” and the icon tool.
  4. You will be able to customize the icon of the color that you like the most, there are several options available such as blue, red, pink, gray, orange and more.
  5. Click on finish and you will be able to see the logo of the color you have chosen.

Features of WhatsApp Plus Red

  • Prevents deletion of messages. If your contacts regret something they have written to you, they will not have the opportunity to withdraw their messages, because they will remain registered in your chats in the same way. This is a great resource for finding out what your contacts really want to tell you, with no chance of sugarcoating it later to make you feel better.
  • It prevents them from seeing when you are typing. The “Writing” text is really annoying, because sometimes we want to rehearse our message before sending it to the contact, and if we think too much about it our contact will know that we are overthinking our response.
  • Blocks them from seeing when you’ve seen a status. WhatsApp statuses work like Instagram stories, and when you see someone’s, that person knows you’ve seen it. However, now you can prevent this and see the statuses of whoever you want without that person knowing that you have seen it.

Fouad WhatsApp. Another version of the App

Fouad WhatsApp is a high-quality modality, available for Android users. It has become a good alternative, since it has functions that the normal application does not have.

In July 2022, the new version came out that will allow the user not to be banned from the normal account. By using this application you risk losing conversations and not having complete privacy.

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