Former American President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he will visit the border between the United States and Mexico, converted according to him into a “lawless” zone since the coming to power of his successor Joe Biden.

“I have accepted the invitation of the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, to accompany him on an official visit to the decimated southern border of our nation on Wednesday, June 30,” he said in a statement without giving a specific location.

Trump blamed Biden for inheriting the “strongest and safest” border in the country’s history and in a few weeks turning it “into an absolute disaster zone.”

“We went from having border security that was the envy of the world to a lawless border that is pitiful around the world,” he said.

Trump’s tough immigration measures reduced the flow of migrants, but during the Biden administration, arrests have broken records every month since March. In May, around 180,000 people were arrested after crossing the border illegally, a maximum in 15 years.

The situation, which the Biden government attributes to deteriorating conditions in the migrants’ countries of origin, mostly from Central America, has prompted Republicans to denounce a crisis at the border created by the more benevolent message towards immigration. of the president himself.

In this context, the Republican governor of Texas announced that he will resume construction of the border wall planned by Trump after Biden stopped the project.

Texas “will do what Biden REFUSES to do: protect our citizens along the southern border,” Abbott tweeted Tuesday.

On January 12, Trump made his last official visit to the US border in Texas, where he defended the construction of the wall.

The former Republican president made the fight against immigration, legal and illegal, one of the priorities of his term and shortly after his victory in 2016 ordered the construction of a wall along some 3,200 kilometers of the border with Mexico.

But in four years the works consisted mainly of improvements or reinforcements of existing barrier structures.

Trump, banned from social media and held at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, continues to be very influential within the Republican Party and regularly disseminates, through press releases, his sympathies or criticisms. He also suggests that he could run for a new term in 2024.

Since leaving the White House, he has participated in the Conservative Annual Convention (CPAC) in late February and the North Carolina Republican Party convention in early June.

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