The Basque content creator underwent a lumbar puncture as a test to diagnose possible conditions

As of today, River He is not only one of the Spanish-speaking streamers with the most followers, subscribers and average viewers, but also of the whole world. In fact, you can see April’s Top Streamers on this link, and the Basque content creator appears. So many things related to his personal life are also being talked about in his community, and it’s something that happened to him a few hours ago that I’m here to talk about.

These last months, Llanos River He’s been to the hospital a few times, but for nothing serious that could pose a problem to his health, so the fan community needn’t be alarmed. Throughout the process, before and after, the content creator explained to his community how he made sure they knew that he was fine. I will tell you all the details below.

Ibai was admitted to hospital

Yesterday during its edition of disaster leader He warned that he was going to the hospital today and even explained the reason.

  • revealed that He was going to the hospital to undergo a lumbar puncture
  • Indeed, a few hours after the end of the edition of the program, He left and was hospitalized for several hours
  • Before and after the interference, River He has been active on social media reporting the entire process, to reassure his millions of fans

What is a lumbar puncture?

a puncture

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