Disney+ finally freed Amen: Francisco respondsone of the platform’s most anticipated original productions streaming. And there are many topics that the Sovereign Pontiff discussed with a group of 12 young people: immigration, abortion, feminism… And of course, both the personal position and that of the Church on the collective LGTBIQ+. The calm with which the Sovereign Pontiff speaks on this last subject is surprising, having very clear ideas.

What Pope Francis thinks about non-binary people, trans people and the LGTBIQ+ collective

Celiaone of the guests of the special Amen: Francisco respondsasked the dad francisco if there was a space for trans people within the Church: “God is the father of all men. God rejects no one. I have no right to kick anyone out of the Church. My duty is always to receive. The Church cannot close its doors to anyone“, assured the Argentinian in this interview.

The young woman kept insisting, now question people who use the Church and the Bible to perpetrate hate speech and exclude the collective LGTBIQ+. Pope Francis replied: “These people are infiltrators who take advantage of the Church for their personal passions and narrow-mindedness.. It is one of the corruptions of the Church, these closed ideologies. Deep down, these people have an inner drama, they live to condemn others. He should lower his head and look at his ass. everyone has their place“.

Now Available Amen: Francis Answers on Disney Plus

On which platform to watch Amen: Francis Answers?

Amen: Francis responds is available from March 5, 2023 on Disney+ and lasts about 82 minutes. Although it is a documentary produced by Jordi Evoleits open distribution is not planned.

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David Cruz

Netflix, HBO Max, Prime Video, Disney Plus and Filmin, my favorite streaming platforms. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC, James Bond and Fast & Furious, my favorite commercial films. Life is beautiful, my favorite movie. This is how I am, and this is how I will continue.

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