Hogwarts Legacy, the new game set in the magical world of JK Rowling, will feature the franchise’s first transgender character.

The new open-world RPG based on Harry Potter features Sirona Ryan, the owner of the Three Broomsticks pub in the town of Hogsmeade, who informs players that it took her companions a long time to realize that “she was actually a witch”. A wizard”.

In a new Hogwarts Legacy trailer, when Sirona is asked if she knows a goblin named Lodgok, she replies, “I haven’t seen him in years when he came a few months ago. But he m recognized instantly. That’s more than I can say.” of some of my classmates. It took them a second to realize that I was actually a witch, not a magician.”

The appearance of a transgender character in the wizarding world is particularly significant given that Rowling has sparked widespread controversy over the years for making comments that many have perceived as transphobic.

“JK Rowling was not involved in the game’s creation,” the game’s official page reads for fans to immerse themselves in the wizarding world.

Regarding the inclusion of a transgender character, the developers explained: “The team felt it was very important to create a game that was representative of the rich and diverse world of Harry Potter, as well as the groups of people who play the game, including the LGBTQIA+ community. We have a diverse cast of characters that players will encounter throughout the game.”

Many fans had already indicated their intention to boycott the game, since Rowling would continue to benefit from its sales. Sirona’s inclusion has drawn further criticism, which many say is muted.

In Hogwarts Legacy, players will embark on an open-world adventure as fifth-year Hogwarts students. They will be able to explore the grounds of the school, Hogsmeade, the forbidden forest and the surroundings of Overland while mastering spells and potions.

“Guided by the Magician’s Field Guide and unique instructions from teachers and other characters, fans will discover a gripping story filled with thrilling challenges and mysteries,” reads the game’s description. perilous, players will defend Hogwarts against deadly foes and uncover the secrets of the wizarding world’s forgotten past.”

In a three-star review of the game, NME wrote, “Despite its appearance, this Victorian-era RPG adventure game can offer only one appearance: a world that, though ostensibly populated, is lifeless. and does not allow to have a real impact on him.

Hogwarts Legacy is set to launch on February 10 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It’s coming to PS4 and Xbox One on April 4 and Nintendo Switch on July 25.

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