He Ministry of Education published this Friday, February 10 the final results of the Educational contract 2023 for the national test that thousands of public sector teachers took in December last year. The final places for the prize will also be shared.

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In the remaining 24 COARs, the evaluation test will take place this Sunday, February 12, informed the Minister of Education, Oscar Becerra.
On the page of Minedu It is specified that the teacher evaluation system contributes to the improvement of the public education conducting transparent, relevant and reliable evaluation processes.
“(These) make it possible to select the most qualified teachers to enter Public teaching career (CPM), retain those who have a good performance in the exercise of their functions, allow promotion and access to positions based on merit, and encourage professional reflection and the continuous improvement of teaching practice” , they point out.

From 2014 to 2019, nearly 30 assessments were implemented, where more than 400,000 teachers were assessed and more than 1,500,000 individual assessments were applied. It should be noted that the conduct of the teacher evaluation He is in charge of the Pedagogical Assessment Department.

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Minedu recalls that the teacher evaluation system has been recognized with the Award for Good Practices in Public Management 2016awarded by the pro-efficiency and transparency institution Ciudadanos al Día.
The final results of the Educational contract 2023 and places for the award will be published this Friday, February 10, 2023 via the Ministry of Education page. To find out, you must enter: https://evaluaciondocente.perueduca.pe/ascensoetp2022/resultados-finales/

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The executive questioned the measure as the expenses that would be incurred with the said measure would amount to $40,856,000. The initiative in question concerns affiliates from 2002.
Here are a few preliminary places for the recruitment of teachers 2023: Amazonas, Áncash, Apurímac, Arequipa and Ayacucho.

According Mineduthe place of attribution will be elaborated virtually or in person by “teaching modality, level or cycle, specialty or area of knowledge according to the order of the final merit table published a few weeks ago.
At the end of this stage, the committee will send as soon as possible the Human Resources “or anyone acting in their place in the UGEL», this information resulting from this process of the 2023 Pedagogical Contract.
He Ministry of Education structured the merit table according to each specialty in each region. To know the order of merit, you must follow the following steps:
– Step 1: Access the Ministry of Education Teacher Assessment Portal.
– Step 2: Locate the region you selected between January 3 and January 13.
– Step 3: Click on the region and it will automatically redirect you to the merit chart in PDF format, which you can download to your PC.
There candidate registration because this contract will start on February 21 and end on the 24th of the same month.
And one teacher who applies does not wish to be assigned a vacant position in the 2023 Teaching Contract, this candidate maintains his position within the merit list and can wait for new vacancies to open and apply according to his specialty.
-Prepublication of the premises: February 1
-Presentation of needs: from January 30 to February 2
-Evaluation of files meeting the requirements: from January 30 to February 3
– Publication of preliminary results: February 6
-Presentation of complaints: February 7 and 8
-Payment of debts: February 8 and 9
-Final publication of results: February 10
– Definitive publication of the places for the adjudication: February 10
– Allocation of places by strict order of merit: from February 13 to 17
-Publication of contract resolution via the Nexus: February 20 and 21