Akira Toriyama’s seminal Dragon Ball shonen series received a controversial sequel in 1996 in the form of Dragon Ball GT. Initially, this sequel was intended to recreate the most carefree energy of the dragonball original, featuring new character designs from series creator Toriyama, and with Toei primarily responsible for the anime-exclusive narrative.
dragonballGT continues to receive a lot of criticism even from the biggest fans dragonballand the existence of dragonball Super largely decanonized the events of GT. That being said, Dragon Ball GT he was not doomed. Unfortunately, the anime didn’t make any decisions that could have helped it win favor with fans.
10 Pan Doesn’t Go Super Saiyan
The initial story arc ofDragon Ball GT places Goku’s granddaughter, Pan, at the center of the search for the Black Star Dragon Balls. It’s fun to watch Pan hold his own during many of the anime’s early battles, and the presence of a human-Saiyan hybrid opens up some interesting possibilities.
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Fans were hoping to see Pan transform into a Super Saiyan, perhaps to save Goku, but unfortunately that never happens despite his impressive accomplishments. The Female Super Saiyans Are Finally Coming To Dragon Ball Superbut Pan has not yet reached that milestone.
9 Super Saiyan 4 And Great Golden Ape Are No Longer Developed
One of the most famous original aspects of Dragon Ball GT is that he opts for the unconventional Super Saiyan 4 transformation instead of the Super Saiyan God of dragonball Great and beyond. It gives the feeling that GT It’s only just beginning to scratch the surface with Super Saiyan 4 before the anime begins to end.
Many Super Saiyan transformations have several stages before reaching perfection. It’s disappointing that Super Saiyan 4 and its precursor Golden Great Ape are left in their basic states and not allowed in more depth.
8 A Mutant Machine Doesn’t Join The Heroes’ Party
All series of Dragon Ball introduces various and useful species that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Dragon GT ball first greatly benefits from the malevolent Machine mutants living on planet M-2. The Machine Mutants are vital in the first half of the anime, and following the destruction of Super 17, they are sidelined.
Goku reluctantly finds an ally of sorts in General Rilldo, a machine mutant who would make a great ally for heroes. A machine mutant in the mix would change the dynamic of the battle in a fun way, which audiences are now wondering.
7 Uub/Majuub Becomes A Prop In The Story
DragonGT balloon resumes what was announced at the conclusion of dragonball Z, when Goku goes to train Uub, the purely intentional reincarnation of Kid Buu. It’s exciting how Uub becomes such a vital player early in the series, growing even stronger after consuming and absorbing Good Buu.
That being said, Uub’s usefulness runs out the moment Goku and Vegeta normalize their Super Saiyan 4 strength. dragonball Z seems out of place as Uub becomes collateral damage that seems no stronger than the rest of the best on Earth.
6 Android 17 is no longer on the scene after the disappearance of Super 17
Dragon Ball GT begins to find its place as Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu unite to create the merged enemy, Super 17. Super 17 inflicts unprecedented damage to the barrier between the land of the living and the land of the dead. . Finally, Goku defeats Super 17 with his Dragon Fist.
It’s a fiery ending, but there would be more potential partly in this Android surviving and learning to properly atone for its sins. With curiosity, Dragon Ball Super it also decides to introduce Android 17 into the mix, but on a permanent basis which gets the most out of this rich character.
5 Adult Trunks Can’t Access New Super Saiyan Levels
dragon fansBall experience a rude awakening when they encounter young Trunks’ older version of dragonball GT. This character looks a lot like his ruthless counterpart from the future, but he’s a lot less brave and confident.
Adult Trunks might have a sword, but more often than not he’s treated like a glorified babysitter for Goku and Pan on their galactic adventures. Fans wanted to see Trunks realize his full potential and surpass his doomsday doppelganger, but he actually seems to be regressing and falling even further behind than when he was younger in Dragon Ball Z.
4 Piccolo Stays In Hell And Is Passed Away
Many of the best characters from Dragon Ball are marginalized in GT. Piccolo struggles to find his place in the sequel, especially since his Namekian power pales in comparison to Saiyan strength. Piccolo is allowed to make a triumphant sacrifice at the height of the Super 17 chaos.
Piccolo selflessly stays in Hell so Goku can escape and protect the planet. It is implied that Piccolo stays behind to watch over the afterlife and make sure another hell never happens. It might fuel his own saga, or at least an effort to save Piccolo later on, but it becomes more of a wistful swan song for the character.
3 Adult Goten Is Wasted Potential
Dragon Ball GT begins five years after the end of dragonball Z, and one of the most exciting things about the start of this sequel series is seeing slightly older versions of much-loved characters. Until now, characters like Goten or Bra had never been seen as young adults.
GT he could have featured a version of Goten who was at least capable of transforming into Super Saiyan 3 on his own. Instead, he becomes superfluous comic relief that quickly fades into the background without any character development.
2 Don’t Feel The Consequences Of Shadow Dragons And Dragon Balls
The final story arc ofDragon Ball GT this becomes a perfect opportunity for Goku and the rest of Earth to reflect on all the selfish and irresponsible wishes that have been asked of the Dragon Balls throughout the franchise. These wandering desires led to the birth of the seven Shadow Dragons.
The defeat of the last Shadow Dragon seems to indicate that the Dragon Balls cease to exist and that Goku enters into some sort of synthesis with Shenron. A world without Dragon Balls where heroes cannot casually right their wrongs is a fascinating new status quo. Unfortunately, Dragon Ball GT it ends before we can do anything with it.
1 Adult Gotenks and subsequent unexplored fusion
A clever way to Dragon Ball Z allows the younger generation of Saiyans, Goten and Trunks, to fight back with the powerful fusion concept. Goten and Trunks are so addicted to the Fusion Dance that they primarily fight as Gotenks. In this merged state, they can even reach Super Saiyan 3 strength.
It’s tragic that Goten and Trunks’ older version of dragonball GT has never experimented with fusion. Gotenks Super Saiyan 3 as an adult would be extremely interesting and most likely to transform into Super Saiyan 4 after Goku and Vegeta. However, it is never added to the program Dragon Ball GT.