After more than four years, Judge Pablo Picazo Fosado, of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, sentenced Abram “N”, a teacher who sexually abused a minor within the facilities of a school in the capital of the country.

According to the evidence presented by the agents of the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office (FGJ-CDMX), in 2017 this subject took advantage of little Tefany, when she was three years old, inside the school’s bathrooms. Williams, located in the Mixcoac neighborhood, in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office.

Therefore, the judicial authority determined a sentence of nine years and seven months in prison (in the East Prison) against Abram “N”, as well as his registration in the Public Registry of Sexual Offenders in the capital.

(Photo: FGJ-CDMX)

In addition, the individual will have to pay the reparation of the damage, the exercise of his profession was suspended for a term equal to the sentence and he was prohibited from approaching or communicating with the victim.

The FGJCDMX reported that it continues to strengthen and directs its actions to achieve a justice system that guarantees timely and effective access to justice for children and adolescents, thus reiterating its priority to care for victims with a differential approach. and specialized.

Journalist Yohali Reséndiz from Radio Fórmula documented the case, indicating that on June 19, 2017 Tefany, after months of refusing to go to school, told her mother what Professor Abram had done to her.

(Photo: Williams College)

“We were alone and Professor Abram told me that we were going to play a game, he told me close your eyes, I’m going to put a magic wand on you, he lowered my pants, my shorts, took off my socks and tennis shoes and pulled up my blouse and I was like a statue, lying asleep and he put the ‘pilinga’ on me where I pee, here -the youngest pointed at her vagina -and on the tail where I poop, here, -the youngest pointed at her anus, the place where he does the poop-, and he put the ‘pilinga’ on my back and made me pee on my back, -he pointed at his back- ”, said the girl.

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