Elder Heriberto Marroquín Lorenzana, the Canelo, was detained by agents of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) in Nuevo León, as he is identified as an alleged leader of the Northeast Cartel (CDN).

Security sources consulted by Infobae Mexico confirmed separately that the Canelo y/o Red River, He fell in Apodaca, New Lion, last May 16. Although his assurance transpired three days later and until this Thursday it has been reported in the local press.

Marroquín Lorenzana, allegedly, was in possession of a handgun, a car with a robbery report and 2,000 pills of fentanyl.

This 29-year-old man from Honduras, would be responsible for multiple attacks against the forces of order, as well as homicides. Supposedly, he would be head of the CDN position in New Warrior City Y Wed City.

After their assurance, agents of the army they put the Canelo available to the ministerial authorities of Nuevo León, although neither the Attorney General’s Office nor the Sedena have offered further details.

El Canelo was admitted to a prison in Nuevo León (Photo: Special)

El Canelo was admitted to a prison in Nuevo León.

Presumably, the Honduran was a lieutenant of Héctor Raúl Luna Luna, the Market, who would operate as logistics manager for the top leader of the Northeast Cartel, Juan Gerardo Treviño Chávez, the Egg.

Among the attacks attributed to Canelo are the ambush to elements of the National Guard that took place on April 28 in Los Aldamas, Nuevo León, where a corporation agent lost his life and four more were injured after the confrontation.

In these actions, at least a dozen state police officers were injured. According to the reports, the attack occurred between Calle Emiliano Carranza and the intersection with Calle Hidalgo in the New Leon municipality around 1:00 p.m.

The criminal command was made up of approximately 15 armored vehicles, some labeled with the legend of the Northeast Cartel.

On April 30, alleged Canelo operators fired at a helicopter belonging to the Department of Public Security of Nuevo León, in the municipality of The Aldamas.

The Treviño Egg is the most wanted capo in Tamaulipas (Photo: Special)

The Treviño Egg is the most wanted capo in Tamaulipas.

The aircraft was conducting an operation in support of Federal Forces, so it transferred elements of the security corporation.

While flying over New Leonese territory, a group of armed civilians opened fire on the unit and they injured the pilot’s hand. Despite the attack, they had to continue their journey to the city of Monterrey to get to safety and seek medical attention.

Previously, in the first week of February, alleged members of the Northeast Cartel tried to shoot down an Army helicopter that was flying over a clandestine camp in the municipality of Doctor Coss.

Five cartel members were killed and the aircraft was not seriously damaged. The events occurred on a ranch near the Doctor Coss-Comales Highway, in Ejido Canela.

Gunmen, now presumed under the command of the Canelo, they began firing at the helicopter with a .50 caliber and AK-47 rifles to keep the helicopter away from their camp. The pilot took evasive actions and requested radio support, leading the troops to the scene.

Presumably, Marroquín Lorenzana was subordinate to Tori (Photo: Special)

Presumably, Marroquín Lorenzana was subordinate to Tori.

Military vehicles stormed the cartel camp, killing five assailants while the rest managed to escape. The authorities seized a barret rifle and four goat horns, They also found several tents and food.

In addition to this, the reports indicate that Marroquín Lorenzana had participated in the murder of Francisco Leónides Cruz, secretary of public security of Doctor Coss, Nuevo Leon, executed on the morning of November 24 of last year along with two other police officers in the central area of ​​the municipality.

Leónides Cruz, a retired Army sergeant, had already been the victim of other attacks in May and June 2020.

In turn, the Canelo would be responsible for the death of a 13-year-old Oklahoma teenager, who was gunned down along with his relatives, who suffered gunshot wounds after being attacked in Tamaulipas, near the Texas border.

These actions took place on January 5, 2020, when members of the Castillo family were traveling on the Nueva Ciudad Guerrero highway, just south of the Falcón dam; They were driving two Chevrolet trucks back to the US after visiting relatives in Monterrey during the Christmas holidays.

El Canelo would have been responsible for the wave of violence in the limits of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas (Photo: Special)

El Canelo would have been responsible for the wave of violence in the limits of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.

Both the CDN and the Gulf Cartel have a dispute over Tamaulipas with extensions to New Lion. At least since the mid-1980s, the area has been a stronghold for drug cartels given its geographic location, as it borders on its northern border with the United States, the main consumer of narcotics.

In their antecedents, the current criminal groups were part of the same faction, but over the years they had differences and betrayals that led them to fragmentation.

Although both maintain dominions in certain municipalities, neither of them is so powerful to impose itself on the other. These regional battles are more constant and acute, since they are kept in a context of survival.

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