The city of Mexico It is experiencing an increase in coronavirus infections but for now a fourth wave of covid is ruled out, the capital authorities assured this Thursday.

You have to be very precise. (…) What we actually see in the city is that this increase in cases, which could last a few days, a few weeks, has not been reflected in a wave of hospitalizations and is all the difference in the world“Eduardo Clark, general director of Digital Government of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation of Mexico City, said at a press conference.

In this sense, he specified that the main objective of the health authorities has been, since the beginning of the pandemic at the end of February 2020, to reduce deaths and hospitalizations, figures that are not escalating.

According to the most recent data, in the Mexico City There are currently 338 people hospitalized for coronavirus, a reduction of 9 in the last 24 hours.

In addition, there are 3,320 active cases.

“When we seek to reduce the strongest impacts of the covid that are hospitalizations and deaths, fortunately so far we can balance”, Clark said at a press conference.

The specialist insisted, together with the head of the city government, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the Secretary of Health, Oliva López, on the importance of the advancement of vaccination, since thanks to this the next “waves” or increasing trends of contagions take a different path.

“The wave that may come, or rather what may happen in the future, is very different from what we have seen in the past. Why? for vaccination and because international evidence shows that vaccination works to prevent an increase in cases from turning into an increase in deaths and hospitalizationsClark insisted.

Sheinbaum reinforced what Clark said and said that the city’s strategy remains the same: “Vaccinate, vaccinate and vaccinate.”

Currently in the capital the third dose of the anticovid vaccine is being applied to people over 60 years of age and to health personnel.

The second is also being administered to minors between 15 and 17 years old.

According to the most up-to-date official data, in the Mexico City There are 3,320 active covid cases and he had eight deaths in the last 24 hours.

Mexico adds 299,132 deaths per coronavirus and a total of 3,961,662 infections.

Despite being one of the nations most affected by the pandemic in the world, the federal government of Mexico said Tuesday that “it is overestimated “ to the omicron variant of covid-19 because in Mexican territory the pandemic continues to decline, and he urged the entire population to be vaccinated.

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