Currently the minimum wage in Colombia is $ 908,526, while the transportation assistance amounts to $ 106,454.

Colombia received signals from Sweden for what will be the discussion of the 2022 minimum wage. The Royal Academy of Sciences of the European country awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics to the “natural experiments” made by Joshua Angrist, Guido Imbens and David Card. The latter, a 65-year-old Canadian, succeeded in demonstrating what has been a long-standing topic of debate: raising the minimum wage does not necessarily destroy jobs.

Card, in the company of his colleague Alan Krueger – who passed away in 2019 – studied in 1992 how much the increase in hourly pay from US $ 4.25 to US $ 5.05 in fast food chains in New Jersey influenced hiring. , and made the comparison with establishments in the border area of ​​the neighboring state of Pennsylvania, for.

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