The legislative elections of Jujuy began this morning amid a wide security and sanitary operation in each school due to the coronavirus pandemic, and on a rainy and cold winter day, with temperatures that are around 5 degrees in the capital city and drop to below zero in other parts of the province.
The opening of educational establishments is recorded from 8 am with a timid approach of citizens early in the morning before the weather conditions, as could be observed at least in the center of the provincial capital.
One of the first to vote was Governor Gerardo Morales. He did so in the José Hernández Complex and highlighted the importance of exercising this civic right. “A cold day, but a democratic call in Jujuy to comply with the constitution and renew the Legislature and the councils with the expectation of the greatest possible participation of the people, but with the necessary care”, said the Jujuy president in his meeting with the press.
Gerardo Morales said that he had to vote early because he has to move to Buenos Aires to meet with President Alberto Fernández since at noon he will participate in an act to pay tribute to the victims of COVID-19 in Argentina.
Morales highlighted compliance with the protocol at the table where he had to vote and asked voters to keep biosafety elements in mind when attending schools.
As the provincial protocol indicates, in each place a circulation scheme is followed, limiting the number of people inside. Upon admission, their temperature is taken and questions are asked about symptoms compatible with the coronavirus, in which case tests are planned in isolation classrooms, and if they test positive they cannot cast their vote.
Despite the fact that Morales avoided some questions because he was on an electoral ban, he stressed the tranquility that existed in the campaign. “Every force was able to express itself. There were no events of violence that must be repudiated “, he said and congratulated the parties that are part of the election this Sunday. “I am focused on Jujuy, on how we are doing. Today eyes are on these elections, which is the only one in the country today ”, stressed.
This is the second electoral test of the year in Argentina. After the election in Misiones, where the ruling party was imposed on June 6, it is the turn of another province in northern Argentina. Little more than 570,000 people from Jujuy will mobilize to choose the renewal of 24 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, in addition to half of the positions in the Deliberative Councils of 26 municipalities and 31 municipal commissions.
Compete ten alliances and two provincial parties that seek to keep the seats that the Legislature will bring into play; 74 councilors (58 substitutes) and 62 regular members of the communal councils (62 substitutes) are also elected.
The novelty in these elections in Jujuy is that for the first time the lists have 50% men and 50% women.
The list of Front Cambia Jujuy (FCJ), led by Governor Gerardo Morales, is made up of 26 provincial and municipal political parties and leads in the first place for the post of deputy to Omar Gutierrez, current coordinator of the Emergency Operational Committee for the coronavirus.
The list of Jujuy First Front, space whose main reference is Lieutenant Governor Carlos Haquim, of Peronist extraction, is headed by René Casas, followed by Susana Haquim, José Acuña, Norma Ampuero, Carlos Moya and Juana Sandoval.
While the Front of All-PJ, with the Justicialista Party at the head, he registered Pedro Belizan, current deputy, Patricia Armella, Juan Jenefes, Valeria Gómez and Juan Ortega.
The provincial government has many chances to prevail in the elections and Governor Gerardo Morales will go out tonight to celebrate with a speech in which he will seek to nationalize the election. He will be the first of the radicals to be able to show a victory. And the first one that has aspirations to access the Casa Rosada in 2023.
“Yes, the intention is to ensure local victory in order to nationalize Morales’s image as a candidate from the province to the rest of the country. The speech will refer to all the management achievements pointing to, for example, the Cauchari Solar Park, which is a complex of three projects of 100 megawatts of installed power each, with more than 1,180,000 solar panels located in the Jujuy Puna at 4020 meters above sea level, which is the largest renewable energy structure in South America. But he will also refer to the fact that the profits from this solar park are financing the construction of 258 schools, a third of those built in the history of the province ”, he explained to Infobae a man close to the governor.
Morales is averaging his second term in the management as governor of the province and does not have re-election and for now his aspiration is not to return to Congress but to make the leap to the Casa Rosada. From this it is that he is working for a national army from the Radical Civic Union.
That assembly and its interference could be seen in the meeting where the radicals announced the possible incorporation of Facundo Manes to its ranks as a candidate in the province of Buenos Aires. It was the Jujuy who proposed to Martin Lousteau to be the candidate of the UCR in the City of Buenos Aires. In the previous one to that, he played in the intern of the Buenos Aires UCR supporting Maximiliano Abad who was imposed on Gustavo Possession.
Morales goes along with the PRO in the province, he leads and Macri’s party supports him. He has already indicated on several occasions that he would not support the former president again and that he wants a radical candidate to head the formula in 2023. He was always there faced Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, have good relationship with Alberto Fernández and lately it showed critic of some decisions of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in particular with those related to the pandemic; so it seeks to position itself in a place of rational opposition at this time.
Now, in addition to intentions, it is going to show the votes and, although Jujuy is a province that from the national electoral point of view does not have as much weight, he is going to arrive in Buenos Aires with all the elections won in his district and “that is what he is going to try to capitalize on.”Explained a man from the province radicalism.