The criptomonedas are in full swing and its values are increasingly RISING o. It, the bitcoin stands out as the most valuable and its creator, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, and is one of the richest in the world people.

Although disappeared in recent years, it is believed that the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto conserves a total of one million bitcoin coins , in addition to its different branches such as Bitcoin Cash, reaching a net worth of more than 60 billion dollars.

One of the richest in the world

The top was not made by Forbes, but by , and this is because it is not known who Satoshi Nakamoto really is  : there is no record of his direct work with the currency or photos. Despite this, there is some information that the community knows about how it helped start the network and was with the community until 2010.

In today’s market, a single bitcoin coin is valued at $ 62,000 , which multiplied by the 1 million units in Satoshi Nakamoto’s portfolio would give more than $ 60 million. points out that, when compared to the Forbes list Satoshi Nakamoto would be on a par with Michael Bloomberg and behind the holders of the Walmart supermarket line, in a creditable 19th place worldwide.

The jump is impressive noting that the inventor of bitcoin was ranked 157th for the richest person in the world in October of last year making the same comparisons. 

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