A large tree fell on a car and killed a woman who was sitting inside in a park in Anaheim while her young son played nearby.

The woman’s husband said he parked the car under the tree because it was a shady spot and he wanted his wife to be comfortable when she sat in the car. The family stopped after church to play tennis with their 10-year-old son.

Manuel Cruz says the family of three often stopped by the tennis courts after church and parked near the large tree to take advantage of the shade.

China’s tallest tree, a roughly 380-year-old fir, is still growing and has reached 273 feet in height, according to the latest official measurements.

“He was a fun mom. We always played together, but now I can’t because he’s already with God,” said son Kevin Cruz.

It’s a heartbreaking new reality for the 10-year-old boy who says he was in Pearson Park playing tennis with his father Manuel Cruz on Sunday afternoon when he heard a loud crack.

The father immediately left the lot to find that a 60ft bur oak tree had fallen on their family car.

Her husband tried to move the tree but was unable to do so himself. His wife, María De la Luz Cruz, 62, was in the back seat.

Authorities say he died instantly.

“We just know that something incredibly strange happened here on Sunday,” said Mike Lyster, communications director for the city of Anaheim.

Christopher Dykes was asleep when he heard a crash and saw the ceiling was gone.

Every regular visitor to the park was asking the same question on Monday, ‘how did this happen?’ “.

Lyster says an expert examined the tree Sunday evening and found healthy water flow throughout.

“There’s no indication with these trees here or the tree we removed last night that they weren’t living, thriving trees,” Lyster said. “Knows latency only during winter.”

Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken released a statement saying, in part, “With sadness and sympathy, our thoughts and prayers go out to the family who lost a loved one at this unthinkable time.”

This story first appeared on Telemundo 52’s sister station NBCLA. Click here to read this story in English.

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