Abdul Bouhazam tried to justify Ylyes ChettiAngers footballer who plays as a left-back and is accused of sexual assault

In context, the player sexually assaulted a woman and it was ddeclared in court for having touched him in a nightclub. Faced with these facts, Abdel tried to defend his player, making a few statements that sparked a lot of controversy: “Not bad, we all touched the girls“.

Faced with these remarks, taken up by ‘Ouest France’, the club’s management came forward by saying that it was “a clumsiness” on the part of the coach, but that the remarks were “out of their context”.

Within the groups and the French authorities, these comments by the coach generated unease, which is why Abdel went to the club’s board to announce he was stepping down from his post.

The president accepted this decision and the club made a statement explaining that “Abdel Bouhazama is no longer the coach of the professional team as of Tuesday, March 7”.

Faced with media pressure and to preserve the image of the club and the serenity of the locker room, Abdel Bouhazama announced to President Saïd Chabane that he had decided to leave his position as coach of the professional team. The president accepts the coach’s decision,” said the Angers.

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