Human versions of Chikorita, Bayleef and Meganium come true with these amazing fanarts

Pokemon is a franchise that’s always on the agenda, if it’s not because there are new games, it’s because the community itself is paying homage in one way or another. another to the saga. From cosplay to fanart. In fact, if I love this saga for anything, it’s more for the fanarts, the merchandising and everything the franchise involves beyond the games themselves, and today I’m bringing you some incredibly cool fanarts .

In fact, you have surely already imagined realistic pokemon. yes in the movie Detective Pikachu we can see them, although they don’t give off as many bad vibes as este koffing hiperrealista. But beyond that, have you ever thought about Pokemon turned human? Maybe yes, so today I bring you the same but with all the evolutionary lineage of Chikorita, the second generation Factory type starter (i.e. Pokémon Silver, Gold and Crystal).

Pokemon: Humans Chikorita, Bayleef, and Meganium

Well it’s over Reddit where an artist shared the incredible imagination he must have depicted Chikorita’s entire evolutionary lineage in fully humanoid form. You can see it below:

As you can see, the result is amazing. My favorite is Meganium, which is a great representation of the real version of the Pokemon. His style is more anime than realistic, yes, but it’s still amazing to see what this artist is capable of.

But the thing does not stop there. Now would be the time to imagine what it would look like with other Pokémon. The artist who shared it is called Endive In Reddit, and is known to have shared human versions of other Pokémon. I leave it to you Dratini for example:

What do you think? What’s your favorite? He’s done it with plenty of creatures, so check out his profile! Reddit!

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