Yes, there is a close-up of Nacho Vidal’s penis. All content? Lions Gate gave the green light to Nacho, a very audacious biopic about one of our country’s most controversial porn actors. But Lions Gate+ went to shit and after it closed it’s ATRE Player Premium Who will premiere this series? And I assure you that there is no better platform than this to publish a biography that holds its licenses to be attractive and addictive. Because Nacho is an XXL biopic in every sense of the word and a pleasant surprise able to coexist in the same catalog with Poison oh cardo.

Rhythm runs through Nacho’s veins

Nacho Vidal He’s such a controversial character, I was afraid of the approach they would take. Teresa Fernandez-Valdes there Ramon Camposcreators of the series and producers of Bamboo Productions (Velvet, Fariña, The Cable Girls). Luckily, I love that they didn’t idealize a figure you have to hate, but at the same time love. At the end, Nacho He’s a sort of anti-hero that many will connect with, a rogue who was awesome (not another joke…or yes) an industry that catapulted him to fame.

I’m honest: having only been able to see the first four chapters, I cannot say if the series will approach its last episode (the rite of the bufo toad for which he was accused of the death of the photographer Jose Luis Abad). But the screenwriters aren’t left out when they describe their humble beginnings, with a family that tried to make the most of Nacho Vidal. And how the drugs of the time and the gap destroyed any possibility of standing out socially.

the final, Nacho has found a very noble way to live: to dedicate himself to the world of sex and porn. He has become a star, but the industry is not immune to problems and we will also witness it in the biopic by ATRESplayer Premium. Besides, You’ll love Martín Rivas as Nacho Vidal: he looks like he was born to be an adult film actor.

Nacho Vidal stars in this biopic in which Martiño Rivas plays him

However, beyond its approach or script, where Nacho’s team succeeds best is in rhythm: the series does not let you breathe and the episodes pass in a breath. And I’m not talking about a crashed assembly: Nacho works like a gunshot. And its aesthetic is so personal that everyone will recognize the series at a glance..

ATRESplayer Premium, the home of daring series

In short, there is no better home for Nacho What ATRE Player Premium. On a streaming platform where you find Venom, Thistle, Drag Race Spain oh queens to the rescueIt is also to be seen a biopic that does not show us the most romantic side of Nacho Vidal: he was an exceptional guy, an extravagant guy who wanted to sing. He had his addictions and was looking for a constant case. Of course, these are the keys by which he swept the porn industry. SO, It doesn’t soften a man who had everything, only to lose it before he had it.

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