The great success of ChatGPT on Bing and the enormous investments made by Microsoft in Artificial Intelligence are the backdrop of the latest advances shared by journalists on the development, by the Redmond company, of a version of Minecraft based on Neural AI.

According to the latest rumors, the American technology giant’s programmers are collaborating with Mojang to test the integration of the algorithms of an unspecified deep learning model in the Minecraft code.

Similar to what the researchers who created MarioGPT’s infinite levels experienced, implementing this Neural AI should allow explorers of the square dimension of Minecraft to almost instantly generate custom maps using specific terms (defined in ‘prompt’ jargon).

Thanks also to the integration of this Deep Learning model in the Minecraft code, players should be able to shape complex architectural structures using simple prompts, again with a system not too dissimilar to that encountered by users of AI-based programs such as Midjourney and the Stable Diffusion image generator.

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