Kono Suba” relaunched. After several years of inactivity, this anime announced its season 3 and a spin-off. Saying spin off is nothing else that “An explosion on this marvelous world!(known in Spain as “Explosion in a wonderful world!”), and has as its protagonist the favorite character of many: leguminous.

Today I come to tell you when and where exactly can we see the next chapter of this new anime “KonoSuba”. Want more Megumin? Well, do not miss the information that I leave below.

Megumin (KonoSuba) anime EP 2 date and time

Here is all the information about it:

  • Date: Wednesday April 12.
    • 6:00 p.m. In Spain.
    • 10:00 a.m. in Mexico
    • 11:00 in Colombia
    • 12:00 p.m. in Venezuela
    • 12:00 p.m. in Chile
    • 13:00 in Argentina
  • Or by Jon Play in Spain, and Crunchyroll in Latin America.

And here is the information on the Premiere of the next chapter of the “KonoSuba” spin-off. Have you already seen the first episode? What do you think? I invite you to leave your impressions in the comments.

Before ending, I leave you a few articles that They might interest you if you are a bit lost with the “KonoSuba” franchise. The first tells us in which order to see all its contentwhile the second collects where to enjoy everything legally.

Schedules of other anime

The winter season has other very good series that release new episodes week after week. These are all the details on the arrival of the next chapters of some of this winter’s most notable anime.

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