“Jujutsu Kaisen” is a story that, in its most basic and pure essence, is about wizards removing curses that frighten humanity. However, add to that a protagonist who has within him the most powerful of all curses, a cast variety of villains and “heroes” with different abilities and, in essence, you have the clear formula for finding a shonen who can do it as well as they did. it will always be easier for you if you have tricks up your sleeve like Satoru Gojo.
What is Satoru Gojo’s special technique called?
Basically, the reason Gojo is considered the strongest character in “Jujutsu Kaisen” is that he has in his arsenal a special technique that apparently no one can beat (not even Sukuna himself).
- The original name of Satoru Gojo’s special technique is ‘The Six Eyes’, also known as Rikugan in Japanese.
- This technique gets its particular name because it uses the user’s eyes to offer the user unparalleled visual perception ability.
- Not only that, the technique in question allows access to skills of enormous power which, Used in combination with others, they give their user an overwhelming advantage in combat..
Why are Satoru Gojo’s 6 eyes so powerful?
- In the line of Satoru Gojo always the possibility of inheriting the Infinite Curse Techniquewhich essentially grants the possibility of manipulate space at the atomic level. However, only those who possess the power of 6 eyes are able to make the most of the potential of this technique.
- Satoru Gojo is, fortunately as a wizard, heir to both the Infinite Curse Technique and the 6 Eyes. Not only that: he is the first wizard in the last 100 years of Jujutsu Kaisen history to be born with both qualities at his disposal.
- But why are the 6 eyes so important to mastering the Infinity Curse technique? Well, because the Rikugan allows the user, beyond gaining vastly increased visual perception, see your brain’s processing power also taken to a whole new level. Precisely, all the special techniques of the Technique of the Infinite Curse require these same two qualities to be used to the maximum.
- One of the most special qualities of the Rikugan is that it makes its user deal with cursed power consumption in an absurdly efficient way. So much so that a good user of the Rikugan will be able to reduce their consumption to the point of being essentially 0. Thanks to this, basically the wizard in question can fight with infinite cursed energy.
All the techniques Gojo uses in Jujutsu Kaisen
- Mugen (infinity): Basically, it is responsible for creating an infinite space-time between the user and the enemy. What does that mean? Well, Gojo’s ability to process space and use cursed energy allows him, in essence, to create infinite space between himself and his opponent to prevent the latter’s attacks from hitting him. It’s a perfect defense.
- Forward Rotation: Blue – This technique creates a kind of gravitational attraction towards a fixed point which can cause the attracted bodies to implode or end up completely destroyed.
- Reverse rotation: red glow – This technique basically has the opposite effect of the ‘Blue’ version. In this way, an orb is created which repels bodies and which, when used, is capable of generating an explosion with submerged force.
- Imaginary: Purple – This advanced technique combines the two spinning techniques to generate a negative effect that absolutely removes everything it comes in contact with from existence. It is a skill known only to a few members of the Gojo clan.
- long distance teleportation: Another technique used by Gojo is one that allows him and even a second person to teleport over a long distance. There are certain conditions for performing said technique, but they are not disclosed.
- Domain extension – Gojo’s mastery extension is to trap the enemy in the Infinity Technique. In this situation, the enemy is overwhelmed by information of all kinds that does not seem to reach infinity and that pushes the brain to the limit, causing an overload and a consequent catatonic state.
Personally, at this point I imagine Satoru Goju as some kind of human black hole. He controls absolutely everything in terms of the space around him and can make anyone disappear with his techniques. It’s not hard to see why he’s the most powerful character in “Jujutsu Kaisen”, but once you look in detail at how the 6 eyes and infinity work, the truth is that he doesn’t. there is no longer much doubt.
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