In the early 2000s, the animated adaptation of HellsingAnd manga written and drawn by Kouta Hirano which won over lovers of gore, action and terror. Over the years, this work featured more than one anime that he took his licenses to tell the story of the vampire Alucard, and it seems that A whole other could be announced soon.

Despite the fact that it’s not a franchise that’s brimming with multi-season series, I’ve long noticed that there’s a certain confusion over the order in which to watch Hellsing. Nevertheless In this article I will clarify all doubts there may be some and I will provide useful information on each series. Let’s go!

Hellsing General Headquarters

Renegade vampire Alucard is the deadliest instrument of the Hellsing Organization in its mission to protect the British Empire from satanic demons and Nazi monsters. He has the help of policeman Seras Victoria, converted by Alucard after falling in the line of duty.

Inside her, the remnants of her human soul fight a battle against her growing vampire instincts. Together they hunt down those who lurk in the shadows as a sinister force for good, covering the misty streets of England in the blood of their evil prey.

The words para ver Hellsing

1. Hellsing

  • Format: series of 13 episodes (23 min. per ep.)
  • animation workshop: Gonzo
  • Release date: October 11, 2001

The first Hellsing anime came over 20 years ago by Gonzo and presented us with a story based on Hirano-sensei’s manga, although unfortunately, it ended up deviating greatly from the original work. When this series was on the air, the manga was also active, so the writers were forced to improvise. Still, I saw this adaptation myself at the time and thought it was an interesting action-horror series!

2. Hellsing: Dawn

hell dawn
  • Format: 3 specials of 10 minutes
  • animation workshop: Graphicica
  • Release date: July 27, 2011

Hellsing: Dawn it’s a collection of three specials that acts as a prequel to the events narrated in the Hellsing Ultimate anime. Set 55 years before what’s told in the original manga, this series is about Alucard and Walter C. Dornez’s fight against a millennial full of powerful members.

3. Hellsing Ultimate

  • Format: mini-series of 10 OAVs
  • animation workshop: Madhouse | Satelight | Graphinica
  • Release date: February 10, 2006
  • Available to view on AnimeBox

Today we consider that Hellsing Ultimate is the best adaptation of Kouta Hirano’s manga. The story of this series yes is faithful to the original work and it presents us with truly memorable fights, and even had the participation of a studio as prestigious as Madhouse for the production of its OVAs.


Really there is hardly any specific order to watch Hellsing anime. The 2001 adaptation differs greatly from what is said in the manga, so it could almost be skipped to enjoy Hellsing Ultimate and even its previous specials.

If you are looking for a series full of blood, bullets and vampires, you are facing a very good option. And if by chance you were looking for an even more enriching experience, I advise you to take a look at Hirano-sensei’s work on paper. It’s a classic from the world of manga.

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