Gwyneth Paltrow She is one of those women who talk and raise bread. Since she began to favor her facet as a businesswoman as director of Goop, her beauty and well-being company and put aside her facet as an actress, her controversies have only increased. multiply.

One of his conversations with Dr. Will Cole on his podcast The art of being well, sparked a wave of criticism on TikTok where the actress is already being referred to as an “almond mom”. A qualifier that designates adults who encourage eating disorders in their children.

Paltrow appeared on the podcast undergoing IV treatment to supply your body with substances like glutathione or phosphatidylcholine, “they are quite hard to find and they really do me good. I love IVs, I’m an early adopter.”

beauty routines

During the conference, he spoke, once again, about his questionable routines. Apparently he is intermittently fasting and eating something that doesn’t raise his sugar around noon. To eat, it is said that “I love soup, I usually have bone broth several days“, he assured. After half an hour spent in the sauna, he eats vegetables while following a paleo diet which helps him detoxify.

But not everything has to do with food, exercise is also very present: “I’m trying to do an hour of mobile activitySo I go for walks or I do Pilates or I do my Tracy Anderson workouts.”

And there is no shortage of treatments, each more extravagant. Dr. Cole asked him what was the strangest thing he had ever been subjected to. “I underwent ozone therapy, rectally“, he confessed, “it’s quite strange, but it was very useful”.

A talk that has sparked a lot of controversy and continues to be very commented on social networks.

This isn’t the first time this has happened and it certainly won’t be the last.

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