Crews have made some progress in Fort Lauderdale after last week’s historic flooding, but while several areas remain flooded, another problem is on the rise: mosquitoes.

Since Florida has a tropical climate with humid and moderate to warm temperatures year-round, mosquitoes can be seen throughout the state in all months of the year, but mosquito season in Florida does not usually begin. not until June, when the rains come in late spring, they turn into standing water that insects need to breed.

But with more rain expected on Monday and the risk of more localized flooding, the potential for mosquitoes is even more widespread.

The Florida Department of Health in Broward County issued a mosquito advisory on Friday with advice to residents urging them to do their part and drain and cover to prevent mosquito breeding and mosquito-borne diseases .

How can I prevent a mosquito infestation in my home?

The Florida Department of Health is asking residents to drain standing water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Be sure to empty water out of garbage cans, gutters, buckets, pool covers, refrigerators, toys, flower pots, or any other containers where water from sprinklers or rain has collected. accumulated.

You should also get rid of old tires, drums, bottles, cans, pots and pans, broken appliances, and other unused items.

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