Avatar: the sense of water It was already predicted to be a hit even before its release, except for those who over-considered the risk of releasing the film more than a decade apart. However, it hit screens around the world, proving that viewers wanted to know a lot more about the Na’vi.

It’s no secret that demand to see the film hasn’t let up since December 16, the day it was released, which made this sequel the big phenomenon of late last year. This 2023 will also be very present, since it has already been nominated for the Oscars in 4 categories: Best Film, Best Sound, Best Production Design and Best Visual Effects. In addition to the other historic feat he has already achieved.

And it is that the tape has already slipped onto the podium of the most profitable films of all time, In third place. Before her are only Avengers: Endgame there Avatarwith respectively $2.798 and $2.923 million raised.

This third position comes after anticipating another very familiar film for its director. james cameron already held third place with Titanic —three of his films are on this list—although it was the aquatic adventures of his favorite extraterrestrials that deprived him of this honour: the love story of Jack and Rose, despite his rebirth, It remained at $2,242.8 million.

The sense of water It already totals $2,243.2 million worldwide, being of these 1586 from parts of the whole world. Thus, spectators and supporters from New Zealand, France, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Cambodia, Mongolia, Colombia, and Puerto Rico made the film the highest-grossing film of all time in those territories.

It was already certain, but everything indicates that this success only reinforces the idea that there will be much more Avatar In the years to come. For now, this film has told the events that follow the plot of the original film, although now there is quite a world to go, literally.

We know that Cameron’s third film for the saga will deal with other regions of Pandora more related to fire and volcanoes, and although it is still early to know what it will bring to them; what is certain is that the public will be eager to see it. Will Cameron be able to fit every movie in the franchise on this list? Only time will tell, although since he’s already pressed the button to do so, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think so.

Avatar: the sense of water it’s in the cinema

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