After this week, the life of the protagonists of love is forever It will never be the same again, because of the shocking episodes they will experience.

The inhabitants of the Plaza de los Frutos will suffer a murder, pregnancy confessions, confirmed fears and an approach. Also… they will be closely monitored.

A large number of situations that are about to reach the fiction produced by Boomerang, and which broadcasts Antenna 3 from Monday to Friday from 4.30 p.m.

Chapter of Monday March 27

The white label of the Sanabria supermarket is a success. Nieves is troubled by Ricardo’s absence and shares her anguish with a conciliatory Manolita. Carballo asks Luján not to play with her.

Marivalle’s boyfriend doesn’t show up and she has to agree with Visi: she got scammed. Pelayo accidentally scares the man Jorge is looking for. Ursula tells Visi a secret she hasn’t told anyone: she’s pregnant with Hugo. Joseba kills Ricardo in Miami before assuring him that Nieves will be next.

Chapter of Tuesday March 28

Receipt of products sanabria takes Manolita from joy to alarm in less than 24 hours. In the Plaza de los Frutos, four fraternal stories come together, giving rise to a farewell full of secrets, the promise of a party, a moving reunion and the beginning of a tense relationship between brothers.

Maribel begins to open up to Ciriaco, showing him that he’s reciprocated…while Alberto tells Aurora that he won’t let her play with their marriage.

Chapter of Wednesday March 29

Manolita’s fears were not unfounded and Sanabria Supermarket is denounced for having caused a public health problem. Jesús investigates Luján’s close relationship with his “informant”, while Carballo fears for Jorge’s life during his first mission for the Magi.

Neither Hugo nor Rocío seem willing to open up, persisting in their cover-ups. Ciriaco doesn’t know what to think of Maribel while Marcelino finds a new event.

Chapter of Thursday March 30

Visi sets out to cheer up Marivalle, without success, and Benigna offers to arrange a meeting with Sebas. Rocío finds hope with Hugo, when she discovers that they copied his masterful formula and his irrational reaction causes further friction.

Cristina and Quintero agree to represent the Sanabrias together. Jorge makes Luján accept that Turbinas accompany him to do the job and Carballo helps him convince Turbinas. Under pressure from Jorge, Luján invents a supposed breakthrough in the search for Barros, to calm Carballo down.

Ciriaco discovers that Maribel has a daughter. Nieves hides his concern for Ricardo and confronts Jenny on the phone, before ending up drinking alone at King’s and being seduced by a stranger, who isn’t that much… Vicente Berrocal.

Chapter of Friday March 31

Maribel rejects Ciriaco for fear of being hurt. Cristina and Quintero work together again. Nieves is sleeping with a stranger… who turns out to be Vicente Berrocal. Jorge and Turbinas transport the first shipment of drugs. Someone is watching them.

Andrea has doubts about Alberto. Rocío confesses to Hugo that she is no longer dating Parrondo. Visi and Benigna convince Sebas to try to cheer Marivalle up.

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