And unsportsmanlike act which involves women and had girls as protagonists for winning a basketball tournament in UNITED STATES It generated a lot of controversy.

The ace Lady Jags They won a tournament in the city of Hoover, but they didn’t receive the trophy. According to the organization, the reason why the prize was not awarded to the girls was that the entity was not classified before the competition as “an elite team“.

Members of the “Elite” team are handpicked according to their skill level. They don’t go through the same talent assessment as those who play on regular league teams. Therefore, “elite” teams voluntarily agree to compete at levels above their school level to ensure fair competition for all young athletes.” hoover town hall.

Something the girls’ parents couldn’t find sense given that the rival in the finals was a men’s team that had just played the regular season. although his trainer Wes Russell yes forbidden

Jayme Mashayekha mother of the girls denounced the events on her social networks and showed her indignation with several questions demanding an explanation: “Excuse me? What?” What did they do to be disqualified? Haven’t they paid their dues? Didn’t they raise the level of the competition? OhIs it because they are girls?!. Sure enough, these fifth grade girls played their hearts out, dropped everything and fought their male counterparts to be told they weren’t counting on them,” she shot back.

On top of that, he explained that at the start of the season they were denied free access to Hoover’s gymnasiums to prevent them from training, and that they had to raise their level: “They were told to stay together as a team, that they had to level up competitively and play with the boys in grade five. The girls were in the middle of the pack all season, losing several close one-point games. Playing against the boys was a challenge.

However, the woman acknowledges that this discrimination has triggered the desire to win in girls: “It made them better players and a better team.“.

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