Hugo Silva arrived this Tuesday evening at the anthill to present a new series: headless chickens. A series about behind the scenes of football in which he brings to life a character created especially for him, which happened to him for the second time in his entire career.
And as always with him, it didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, a politician who associates himself with Vox Santander on his Twitter profile, martin ruiz, charged against its aesthetics in the program. It seems he didn’t like the style he chose to visit Pablo Motos.
“I just saw the good Hugo Silva at @El_Hormiguero. Is it really necessary, essential, to go without your hair, with a beach shirt and like someone who wakes up from a hangover, to the programs of TV ? Is it a more “progressive” bet on sloppiness and aesthetic ugliness? Ah!” he wrote in his tweet.
I just saw the good Hugo Silva in @The anthill. Is it really necessary, essential, to go without combing your hair, with a beach shirt and like someone who wakes up from a hangover, to television programs? Is it a more “progressive” bet on sloppiness and aesthetic ugliness? Oh!
— Martin Ruiz (@marioruiz_bcn) May 2, 2023
The actor didn’t hesitate to answer, even if he was concise in his answer: “Yes”. And added a little information, His shirt is from Rufina Ó, for memory. That it’s not the first shirt he’s taken out of the closet, but the one chosen for the occasion.
deluge of criticism
And he wasn’t the only one as many users on the platform lambasted his comment on the actor’s outfit. Mr. Ruiz was surely unaware of what he was going to spoil with his comment. After seeing what happened to him He had to qualify his remarks, even if it was surely too late because the criticisms did not stop.
In this gentleman there is no aesthetic ugliness.
@rastacai You can go in pajamas, if you want
— Vero (@verogroba) May 2, 2023
What you’re talking about is called saving face. This gentleman can go as he wants, the problem is when you have to dress according to what is established, how many wear costumes and what they do is steal and cheat. Good morning.
— Jose Ramon (@jr_nv) May 3, 2023
He is quite handsome. You’re still a little jealous.
– Maria Fernandez (@mariafe44329636) May 2, 2023
He is quite handsome. You’re still a little jealous.
– Maria Fernandez (@mariafe44329636) May 2, 2023
He is quite handsome. You’re still a little jealous.
– Maria Fernandez (@mariafe44329636) May 2, 2023
It’s that Hugo Silva is good no matter how he is or what he wears
— Sistine cocoon (@putadacosmica) May 3, 2023
It’s just that aesthetics are an opinion, people in suits and slicks get me 0 units. There can be many reasons why this is so, including ways of being associated with these styles. I prefer simple people who don’t think too much about their looks.
— Claudia Vayapordios (@clausohmygod) May 3, 2023
aesthetic ugliness??? Sir, forgive him, he doesn’t know what he’s saying… @rastacai You continue with your “ugly” aesthetic for “beautiful” we must already have this Lord even if I don’t want to imagine him coming out of a hangover
— Beatriz González (@Beaglorente) May 2, 2023
“I wasn’t making that comment to offend Silva, far from it. He invited to reflect on this way of being negligent. But here, many people think only of attacking and insulting, with or without an excuse. Too bad, ”he said before the return messages he received.
I’m sure the next time he criticizes an actor as beloved as Hugo Silva, he’ll think twice because he received nothing but hate on Twitter.