There are several stores you can find while exploring Hogwarts Legacy. They’re essential for tracking down more troublesome resources, especially if you’re only looking for one or two items rather than waiting to collect them yourself. One of the most valuable stores you can find is the Dogweed and Deathcap store, but finding it will take some time. Here’s what you need to know about where to find the Dogweed and Deathcap Shop in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to get to the Dogweed and Deathcap shop in Hogwarts Legacy

The Dogweed and Deathcap Shop is a location you can find when visiting Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy. This store isn’t shared much when you first get here, so it’s easy to miss it when you have to visit this place. The store is on the north side of town, so you may need to scroll up to find its exact location. We strongly recommend that you visit the store at least once to buy the seeds that the seller offers you during your visit.

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When you arrive, talk to the vendor and she’ll offer you a handful of dangerous plants that you can choose to use against enemies while playing Hogwarts Legacy. These include the seeds of poisonous tentacles, mandrake and Chinese cabbage. After purchasing these plants, return them to the Room of Requirement, where you can plant them and wait for them to grow. It will take a few minutes before they are ready for combat use. They work similarly to potions, where you need to have them in your item slot and then throw them at an enemy during a fight.

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These plants are exceptionally useful to have in your inventory. The Dogweed and Deathcap vendor offers to purchase these items directly, but again, the seeds from these items are much more useful.


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