Apparently, a new fighting game will feature Molotov cocktails as weapons.

Hey, who says leaderboards can’t be used to get the public excited about a new game? Not the ESRB (opens in a new tab), that’s for sure, because the North American Ratings Board officially gave AEW: Fight Forever a rating earlier this week, revealing in passing that the new fighting game features apparently Molotov cocktails.

“Players may use barbed wire, baseball bats, metal chairs, and Molotov cocktails against opponents, ultimately resulting in submission,” the ESRB note reads, revealing that AEW: Fight Forever takes things to the extreme with its wrestling action.

Sure, we’ve all heard that metal chairs have been part of the fight for as long as we can remember, but who ever heard of Molotov cocktails in the mix? One of these incendiary things would not only result in submission, but would result in the total death of anyone caught in the way. Then again, we’ve seen Vince McMahon’s car explode in a blazing fire before, so maybe Molotov cocktails for a wrestling match aren’t so surprising after all.

“Blood splatter effects may occur during matches,” the ESRB rating details. If we’re throwing Molotov cocktails and barbed wire into the arena, a little blood here and there is probably a given.

Currently, AEW: Fight Forever does not yet have a release date, although it has been in the public eye for a few years. We hope the new ESRB rating means the new game is a little closer to release than some might have previously imagined.

Take a look at our List of AEW fights forever guide if you are wondering who makes the cut in new wrestling game.

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