The agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) confirmed the international risk rating of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) “AA”, with a stable outlook, the regional financial organization reported this Sunday.

“The considerable level of callable capital from highly qualified partners, as well as robust support from its partners, cushion the pressures on the institution’s equity position generated by the support that the Bank has provided to its member countries in the midst of the adverse economic effects of the covid-19 pandemic,” according to the rating firm, CABEI said.

In addition, the rating entity highlighted the support of the CABEI member countries, evidenced through the agreement of the founding countries to advance capital payments framed in the eighth capital increase, for around 191 million dollars.

Standard & Poor’s also valued the decision to analyze the ninth capital increase during the next Board of Governors to be held this month in Mexico.

The capital increase will allow CABEI to increase its capital from 7,000 to 10,000 million dollars.

CABEI’s president, Dante Mossi, highlighted the importance for the Bank of having all its international ratings in the “AA” range this year, maintaining it as the best risk in all of Latin America.

Mossi also highlighted the support of CABEI’s partners, reflected through the execution of the eighth capital increase and the recent agreement by the founding countries to advance their capital quotas, as well as analyzing a new increase, for the ninth time. , the resources of the institution up to 10,000 million dollars.

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