Nintendo went all out at the Nintendo Direct in February 2023, not only announcing the release of Metroid Prime Remastered, but releasing it here digitally for everyone to play. However, the trailer for the surprise release highlighted the game’s new dual-stick controls and its classic GameCube controls. He didn’t mention a third option, the Wii-centric motion controls that were introduced to the series when Metroid Prime: 3: Corruption was released and applied to all games when Metroid Prime: Trilogy landed on the Wii. . In these games, players used the Wii Remote to point at the screen and certain motion controls to perform certain functions. Since the Nintendo Switch has the same motion control capability, you might be wondering before buying if Metroid Prime Remastered also has the Wii-style pointer controls.

You can use Wii-style pointer motion controls in Metroid Prime Remastered on Switch

Yes, as the title of the article had already anticipated, you can choose the Wii control method if you wish. Those who have already downloaded the game will quickly find that they have the option to choose any style of play they want from the three. Well, actually four. You can play without Joy-Con, pointing one at the screen in pointer mode, or you can choose a hybrid, which uses pointer controls but also the GameCube game control lock style.

You can also opt for the more traditional dual-stick layout, like in any modern shooter, or the old-school GameCube style, with the Joy-Con attached or in their weird controller pouch. That makes a lot of sense because if you’re playing your Switch on the go you won’t be able to use the Joy-Con as if they were Wii remotes, but as soon as you connect it to your TV you can sit back and move them around as you wish, as originally intended in the game

In fact, it may be even better now. Motion sensing and Joy-Con technology were far more advanced than Wii controllers when Metroid Prime: Trilogy was released. That means the aiming mechanic, which was surprisingly good in the Wii versions of the games, should be even better here. Metroid Prime was one of the few FPSs that fully delivered on the promise of Wii point-and-shoot gameplay on the platform, and it might end up being the preferred way to play for people sitting at home on the couch. .

So Wii-style pointer controls are a real and viable option for Metroid Prime Remastered on Switch. Now, we can only wonder if we’ll have that much freedom of control when Metroid Prime 4 arrives in the very distant future.

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