The first episode of the third season of The Mandalorian is now available on Disney+. Your title is ‘the apostate‘ and we quickly understand that it is Mando who becomes an apostate from mandalorians. Now well, Is it clear to you what it means to be this figure? What consequences does this entail?
The figure of the apostate in The Mandalorian
Roughly, an apostate in the community of mandalorians is this person who should be banned for an action committed. In the case of Mando, the character he plays Peter Pascal from the first season of The Mandalorianhis ‘sin’ is very easy to understand: when he willingly removed his helmet and allowed them to see his face, he broke one of the most sacred rules of mandalorians. In this way, the only way out was to become an apostate, reviled by his own siblings. when is it a journey of redemption begins which will run throughout the third season.
Can Mando become a mandalorian?
though when Order talk to your “equals” It seems very complicated that it can become a mandalorianit should be one of the character’s main goals in his third season. However, the series is still called The Mandalorian, and although it continues to be so from the heart (not even being an apostate he takes off his helmet), it is not Actually.

Check what comes from Order now every Wednesday at Disney+, the day a new chapter of The Mandalorian season 3 will air. And remember that This season is again composed of 8 chaptersits end is therefore scheduled for the end of April.
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