In 2009, the Spanish musician Antonio Vega He left this world after 51 years of life and a few years of sharing it with people through records and stages. Famous for being one of the members of Nacha Pop, Vega marked the history of Spanish pop music as one of its fundamental composers. After his death, various tributes were paid to him and a street in his native Madrid bears his name: the Antonio Vega Squarein the district of Malasaña.
The Spaniard was born in 1957 as the third of six siblings. Her father was a trauma doctor who fueled her childhood worries. Soon little Antonio was excelling in everything he did. He did well in school, he was a good sportsman, and as soon as he discovered music, his intelligence and his passion took off. Despite the fact that he began various studies in his youth (architecture, physics, airplane piloting), after serving in the army, in 1978 he decided definitively for music. That year, together with his cousin Nacho García Vega, he launched Nacha Pop and together with him they created one of the most successful scenes in Spanish pop.
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After several years of success, Antonio Vega he went solo and worked between 1991 and 2009, when his health began to decline. Eventually, lung cancer took her.

His life and the breadth of his work have been recorded in a book recently published by the Planeta group in Spain, 14 years after his departure, and it is expected to reach the rest of Latin America in the coming months.
This is the first authorized biography of Antonio Vega, written by Magela Rondathe same one who worked on the book a few years ago “Bruce Springsteen. From Greetings from Asbury Park to Tierra Promisida”by the Penguin Random House publishing group, through its Grijalbo imprint.
in the pages of Antonio Vega. A life between the ropes, the author collects the most important data from the life of the emblematic artist. An enigmatic and fascinating man who dragged through his days a reputation as a cursed poet, an artist always on the edge of the precipice. His songs have always reflected this, the lonely and sad boy he was, but who experienced music like everyone else.

Vega charmed more than one generation with his lyrics. Like few composers, he managed to bare his soul in the melodies and play the guitar with enviable virtuosity.
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Antonio Vega never hid from anyone, he was always sincere with those who were really willing to listen. Sometimes ignored, others acclaimed, the Spanish musician knew how to be unforgettable.
In this book, the author tries to expose this sad and lonely boy as a truly enigmatic and complex man who chose art to make himself heard and never left anything behind, beyond the fact that there is a picture half painted or half written. verse His life was lived to the full until he was allowed to; what he lacked, those who shared the most with him, loved him and miss him today sought to fill it.
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Antonio Vega. A life between the ropes includes never-before-seen photographs of the artist, handwritten letters and images of notebooks, and handwritten song notes. It is all this material that managed to be saved after the fire of one of the houses where Vega lived and which was recovered several years after his death. Supported by the testimonies of his closest friends and family, Magela Ronda try to enter fully into the mystery of the musician.
The reader will find approximately 224 pages, where the icon, the musician, the enigma, seeks to express himself as a man, beyond his fascination and his magnetism. A man who enchanted everyone with the delicacy of his voice and the lyricism of his songs.
Antonio Vega He was always looking for a way to fly, he was not clinging to anything or anyone. His heart, like his mind, has always been beyond the stars.
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