Most people around the world consume too much salt, this means between 9 and 12 grams per day on average, which is twice the maximum recommended intake by the World Health Organization (WHO). The main benefit of reducing sodium intake is to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
“We are going to go over five tips for you to reduce the salt intake in your diet. Like the majority of the world’s population, Argentines consume more than double the salt recommended by the WHO, which is not surprising but which we must reverse,” he said. GlobeLiveMediaRomina Pereiro, graduate in nutrition MN 7722
However, what not everyone may know is how we consume this excess. “Excess sodium does not just come from the salt we add to preparations when we cook or when we eat, in fact most of it comes from products that are processed,” he adds.

“The packaged products that we eat or those that are almost ready to eat are high in sodium. Or it can also be sweet products and which you do not know contain so much salt, this is called hidden salt. For example, some light desserts and some cookies or candies contain salt. So always read the labels,” adds the expert.
The WHO warns that salt intake of less than 5 grams per day in adults helps lower blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and myocardial infarction. “The main benefit of reducing salt intake is the corresponding decrease in high blood pressure. In addition, experts from the International Health Agency estimate that 2.5 million deaths could be avoided each year if the global salt consumption was reduced to the recommended level,” says Pereiro.
1 – Use more natural foods. The fewer packaged products you consume, the less sodium you will incorporate into your diet.
2 – Give yourself time to get used to the palate. The receptors in the mouth take up to four weeks to adapt to the new taste, so be patient.
3 – Use more lemon. Add lemon to all foods as it enhances the flavor of natural sodium in foods.
4 – Using less sodium, incorporate more natural spices: basil, pepper, thyme, rosemary, oregano. You can play around and start trying different flavors.
5 – Keep in mind that Himalayan salt and sea salt have the same amount of sodium as regular salt, fine table salt. They are 99% sodium chloride. Therefore, you need to keep watching how much you add to your meals.

Remember that reducing the consumption of processed foods and reducing the salt that is added to foods is a very good way to prevent cardiovascular disease because this excess salt is directly linked to this type of health problems.
FDA Warning
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that food manufacturers and grocery stores reduce the salt they add to their products by 12% to avoid heart disease, the leading cause of death in this country.
In the document titled Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Sodium Reduction Goals, the FDA noted that “These guidelines are intended to provide measurable voluntary short-term (2.5 year) goals for sodium content in processed, packaged and processed foods. commercially prepared to reduce excess sodium. in the population, while recognizing and supporting the important roles that sodium plays in food and food technology. security”.
Editing: Rocío Klipphan/ Production: Dolores Ferrer Novotny/ Director: Gastón Taylor
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