It might seem that Hogwarts Legacy It’s a huge game and, if it happens, it’s because, indeed, it is. That’s why we wanted to build between my partner Claudio and me a complete guide to the game (which I leave below) so that you can get the most out of it; although, yes, this time I will focus on a specific main mission of the game, which receives the name of The elf, the trincasaco and the loom. Let’s bother

Hogwarts Legacy Main Quest Guide The Elf, the Formidable, and the Loom

To activate this quest, you will again need to talk to Deek in the Room of Requirement. This one will explain to you in the form of a tutorial how animals are captured in the game with the tricasaco. It doesn’t have much mystery: follow the steps that the game tells you until you return to the room of requirements again. Once you unlock and place the loom on it, the quest will be complete.

Why is the loom important in Hogwarts Legacy?

  • As you will have learned in this mission, It is essential to further improve the equipment we wear 1️⃣
  • This will be essential for face difficult battles in the game that will come later 2️⃣
  • His thing is you only get better these orange level clothes, because they are the best you will find in the game 3️⃣

Other Useful Hogwarts Legacy Guides

Well, there you have all the information I wanted to share with you all. about this Hogwarts Legacy mission; I hope they have been useful to you!

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