Taking into account that Hogwarts Legacy is a gigantic game and that you have a buen puñado de secrets por decubrir, lo más probable es que, if eres de los that the taste completes a título al cien por cien, haya a momento en el que vayas a por los trofeos y los logros of the game. That’s why I wanted to bring you a complete guide so that you can have it as close as possible in case you get stuck with one of them. In the first place, I leave you with some preliminary guidelines that clarify a little how complicated it is to obtain this platinum.
- Hogwarts Legacy has a total of 46 trophies: 28 bronze, 15 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum
- It will take us about 70 hours to get the game platinum
- One important thing: Does NOT affect difficulty we’re playing in, so there won’t be the typical “beat the game on this difficulty or that other” trophy
- Unfortunately, to get platinum we will need a main game and then reach a certain point in the story by starting another game in each house in the game
Trophies obtained through the main story of Hogwarts Legacy
To start, and with the aim of getting rid of those trophies that you can get by playing the game normally, I leave you the complete guide of all the main missions of Hogwarts Legacy, since the list that I leave you below concerns the achievements obtained by completing some of them.
- A grand entrance (Bronze): Complete the Introductory and Selection Ceremony.
- first-year student (Bronze): Attend your first class
- trolling (Bronze): Survive the troll attack in Hogsmeade
- Remember (Bronze): Meet Charles Rookwood in the Map Room.
- the great graphorne (Bronze): Subdue the Lord of the Coast
- To the rescue of Hogwarts (silver) loss to Ranrok
- talent for spells (Bronze): Call upon ancient magic for the first time
- Who dominates the memories (Bronze): View all Pensieve Souvenirs
- best relic in hand (Bronze): Use one of the Deathly Hallows
- A shore excursion (bronze): visit the weighttear coast
- How to defend your dragon (Bronze): Save a dragon
As I said before, once you complete the main story of Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll get all those achievements and trophies, so it doesn’t have much of a mystery anymore. Now yes: let’s go with those who have it.
Trophies earned by performing specific tasks
The Talk of the Town (Bronze)
To get this trophy we will have to complete the mission of the story titled The Chamber of Maps as a member of Slytherin house. To do this, we will have to choose said house during the ceremony of the beginning of Hogwarts Legacy when assigned to us by the sorting hat.
Auror Apprentice (Bronze)
This trophy is very similar to the previous one, but it has one specific change: you have to reach the mission the camera of the cards, but part of the house of Hufflepuff. For this reason, my recommendation is that you leave this and the next two trophies for when you already have all the others, as you will need to start the game to choose another house.
Gryffindor Underground (Bronze)
If you thought this trophy is similar to the previous two, you’re right: To achieve this, you will have to reach the map camera mission that is part of Gryffindor house.
The Wise Owl (Bronze)
Hogwarts Legacy Couldn’t Forget Ravenclawbecause this trophy is obtained by reaching, once again, the main mission of the game called the card room being a member of this academy house.
The Good Samaritan (Silver)
It is one of the most expensive trophies in the game, because This will require us to complete each of the secondary missions offered by Hogwarts Legacy. Luckily my buddy Claudio gives a cane specific guide to the same which you can check out via the following link:
Save the Phoenix (Silver)
In construction
Rooms with a view (bronze)
In construction
Quite a feat (gold)
This trophy is unlocked by reaching level 40 in the game, being something that we can obtain as long as we play normally and obtaining the rest of the achievements of Hogwarts Legacy. However, I leave you some guidelines to gain experience and level up quickly:
- Complete the game’s main story 1⃣
- Do all the missions and side tasks you see 2⃣
- Step into every fight you encounter (battles give a lot of experience in a short time in the game) 3⃣
- Grab all the collectibles you see: Popping balloons, opening special chests or getting field guide pages will also give you 4⃣ experience points
In search of knowledge (gold)
This trophy will ask us for a specific task: winning the Hogwarts House Cup; a task that we can only accomplish if we have met two specific requirements:
- In the first place, complete the Hogwarts Legacy storysince this is an additional mission that will be unlocked after watching the final cutscene 1⃣
- To carry out this mission, we will have to reach level 37 in the game 2⃣
- Once we arrive, we will have to leave where indicated on the map and complete the mission to unlock the trophy 3⃣
The Vengeful Gazelle (Bronze)
This trophy is unlocked by completing all the relational missions of Natsai Onai, one of the main characters that we will find in the game. I leave you with the guidelines to get this trophy below:
- Her relationship questline is unlocked after completing The Daughter of Ouagadougou quest. 1⃣
- Once we did, we will have to pay attention from time to time to the game mission menu in the field guide 2⃣
- From time to time we will see an Onai mission which will be indicated by the icon of a comic bubble 3⃣
- These latter correspond to relational missions 4⃣
- When we’ve finished them all, we will have the trophy
Sallow You Live Once (Bronze)
This trophy is the same as the previous one, except that this time we will have to complete the relational missions of the character named Sebastian. East It opens once we have completed the mission known as The Shadows of the Vault and, once done, he will assign us relational tasks that we must complete until we obtain the trophy.

High Thieves (Silver)
In construction
Room for improvement (Bronze)
In construction
Third Time Charmed (Bronze)
In construction
Spending Talent (Bronze)
In construction
Investing with Head (Bronze)
Trophies earned by collecting collectibles
Animal Nature (Silver)
To get this silver trophy we must unlock breeding in the game (it is achieved by completing one of the secondary tasks that Deek assigns us after unlocking the requirements room). As soon as it is ready, I will leave you an additional article in which I will explain to you how this system works and how to obtain all the animals of Hogwarts Legacy like this.
Prepare all types of potions (money)
In construction
Root (Silver)
In construction
I accept the challenge (Bronze)
For this trophy, you will need to complete all sections of a specific challenge in the field guide. This implies that you will have to complete all the categories of one of the main headings that you will find in this menu. The simplest will be get it by completing all main and side missions in the gamebecause they will be needed to get the platinum and you can’t worry about this trophy that way until you get it.
Flow-Ten (bronze)
This trophy asks us to unlock all the Floo Llamas: these correspond to the fast travel points that are scattered on the map. Taking into account that these are clearly marked when you open it, you shouldn’t have many complications when completing the challenge. They are also unlocked by simply passing near them. Then I let you with an image in which I show what icon they have (they are llamas) on the map in case you don’t know what exactly I’m talking about:

Why don’t we follow the butterflies? (bronze)
In construction
By Merlin’s Barbs (Silver)
In construction
Explore who explores you (bronze)
In construction
Demiguises discoveries (Bronze)
In construction
collector’s edition
In construction
Trophies won in battle (or related to)
Charming (Silver)
This is the trophy that we will get by unlocking all the spells in the game. Many of them are achieved by completing the main story, but there are others that will ask us to do more specific things. Then I leave you with the guide that I have prepared to tell you how to get them all:
The Root of the Problem (Bronze)
In construction
What Bad Milk (Bronze)
In construction
Complete the Challenges (Bronze)
In construction
The end petrifies the means (money)
In construction
Upside Expectations (Bronze)
In construction
The Finishing Touch (Bronze)
In construction
It only remains for me to remind you that, as this guide is currently under construction, I will update it with all relevant information for each trophy until it is finished in a very short time. Be careful!