La Tata was present at the elimination gala on Sunday, where the contestants had to meet the difficult challenge of preparing their specialty
This Sunday there was a complicated elimination gala on Masterchef Celebrity . Gastón Dalmau, Claudia Fontán, Fernando Carlos, María O´Donell, Hernán Montenegro, Daniel Araóz and Andrea Rincón faced each other in a difficult challenge that would leave one of them out of the competition. The surprise came when Santiago Del Moro introduced Claudia Villafañe , champion of the first celebrity edition, who made her entrance to present the night’s test: the participants had to prepare “the best gnocchi dish of their lives” in just 60 minutes.
“First I want to tell you that I miss all this, the daily adrenaline rush of coming here to show what one knows or also comes to learn a lot, in my case,” Dalma and Gianinna Maradona’s mother began by saying . And then, he was encouraged to give some advice to the contestants: “ I advise you not to get angry, Andrea you who get very angry, I see you. Have a great time and enjoy, the important thing is that, come and enjoy and share with friends, you are going to take a lot ”.
Before starting the test, the participants had to join a game to get the benefit of the night, which would be three minutes alone with Tata to get all the advice they wanted on the preparation of these pastas. To do this, they had to squeeze as much lemon juice as possible in five minutes. And the winner turned out to be O’Donell.
Then the challenge began, but when everything seemed on track, 30 minutes later the buzzer sounded and the jury, made up of Donato de Santis, Damián Betular and Germán Martitegui , added a new slogan: to the plate of gnocchi, they had to add a brusquette. With the minutes running short, the celebrities got to work until the driver marked the final minute, at which point they began to plate.
Once the time was up, the judges began their returns, which were generally not good. The first to be called to the front were Andrea, Gastón and Daniel, and according to the judges “none of their dishes were up to par, they were mediocre products, but they were enough for them to be in the next round.” In this way, the definition was between Maria, Claudia, Hernán and Fernando, who according to Martitegui were “the four most disappointing dishes of the night.” “El loco” was the first saved for having cooked “gnocchi without shape, but with flavor.” Among the three remaining participants, the chefs decided that the eliminated one would be Fernando Carlos .
“I cooked badly, it was not good and I have to go,” said the sports journalist backstage. “Fernando, you fought it very well, with a lot of humor, a lot of affection, always ready to listen to what we say. We are going to remember you, of course, with a lot of affection ” , expressed the Italian chef. Betular added: “It costs a lot to fire participants like you , who are so respectful, so polite and at the same time have a good mood, you are a good partner. This moment is difficult for us. Thank you Fer for your humor, for the T-shirts, the dolls, everything ”. Germán, for his part, told him: “ It seems to me that you are an example of everything that has to be done well.You are super respectful, super positive, you are much more than what you cooked. It was a great joy for us to have you here, I wish you the best and we are going to miss you ”.
Faced with the sadness of all his colleagues, and also the driver, Fernando said goodbye with some heartfelt words: “ If there is something that my father and mother taught me, it is to be grateful . And I thank you three, even though I did not make them eat delicious, Santiago, the production, the channel. The truth is that it is a great pleasure to participate in this contest. I am very grateful because they have given me work and I enjoy it ”, he closed.