The Legislative Analysis Branch of the Belisario Dominguez Institute (MICI) conducted an analysis in which they found that between 2015 and 2022, In Mexico, 27,133 girls and women were murderedmeaning that 3,876 cases have averaged annually.

This weekend it was pointed out that from the general register, 6 million 689 cases have been classified as femicidewhile 20 million 444 were investigated as intentional homicides, all of this comes in the investigation titled “Femicides and intentional homicides of girls and adolescents in Mexico”.
The said report was in charge of the investigator Colonel Irma Kanter and it refers to the fact that during these seven years, 80% of the crimes were perpetrated against women aged 18 and over, while 8% were committed against girls and adolescent girls from 0 to 17 years old .

The report of the Senate of the Republic specifies that out of more than 27,000 homicides, 21,229, that is, 78.2% were exercised against women over the age of 18; 2,166, or 8%, were minors; and 3,738, or 13.8%, have no defined age.
According to the IBD study, seven states account for 49% of female murders, with the most dangerous states being: state of mexico (14.0%), Guanajuato (7.6%), Jalisco (6.5%), Michoacán (6.1%), Chihuahua (5.7%), Veracruz (4.6%) and Zacatecas (4.5%).
To contrast this study, it was mentioned that the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) found that 64.6% of feminicides against minors No were executed with a knife or a gun; that is, “they were murdered with great cruelty and with the intention of prolonging the pain (blows, strangulation, suffocation, poisoning, in other more)”.

Among the remaining feminicides, 5.2% were with a knife and 13.6% with a gun. These data contrast with international data, since 59% were committed with a firearm, 7.5% with a knife and 31.3% with another method. Another relevant fact is that with the arrival of the COVID-19 and confinement, an increase in underage killings has been reported, especially in 2020 and 2021.
Regarding the years, it was found that 2018 was the year in which the most women were murdered, since a total of 293 were recorded, of which 83 were classified as femicides and 210 as intentional homicides; In addition, so far during the six-year tenure of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), it is in 2020 that more murders against women have been recorded, since 176 were intentional homicides and 115 femicides.
Remember that to qualify the murder of a woman as femicide, At least one of the following seven points must be respected:
1. Victim shows signs of sexual violence of any type.
2. The victim suffered injuries or mutilations infamous or degrading, before or after deprivation of life or acts of necrophilia.

3. They exist background or data of any type of violence in the family, work or school environment, of the active subject against the victim.
4. There has been a dispute between the estate and the victim. relationship sentimental, affective or trustworthy.
5. There is data that establishes that there was threats related to the criminal act, harassment or injury of the active subject against the victim.
6. The victim was in secretregardless of the period prior to the deprivation of life.
7. The victim’s body is exposed or displayed in a public place.
This is why there is a difference between the murders totals compared to femicide; however, it should be taken into account that prosecutors and attorney general’s offices do not always operate from a gender perspective when dealing with female homicides.