Labor Inspection, hand in hand with the Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT), work to identify activities and jobs that they can require a safe driving or road safety course, as mandated by the Occupational Risk Prevention Law, which requires specific training on the risks of a job.

This course could take place every certain type and delivery drivers could be required -whether riders or delivery men in motorcycles or vans.

Pere Navarro, Director General for Traffic, has assured this Thursday that it seems to them “an initiative that has a journey”, although it is still under study.

The manager has been present at the conference ‘Road Safety 2021-2030: Challenges and Challenges of Road Training’, promoted by the Foundation for Road Safety (Fesvial), the Mapfre Foundation and the Association for the Study of Spinal Cord Injury (Aesleme), as NIUS points out.

They go into Vocational Training

In addition, in the same presentation, Navarro stressed that he is going to startto the title of Professional Training of Higher Technician for road safety and mobility. Its objective is to value the matter and avoid incidents on the roads of the whole country.

“Take it to an official qualification, to Vocational Training, It seems like a great step forward and we are all committed to the project ”, comments the Director General of Traffic, ensuring that “there is demand between town halls, municipalities, industrial estates.”

Likewise, Pere Navarro ensures that specialized training “is making its way” more and more, especially in safe driving courses, both by car and motorcycle. And do not forget the riders: ”For workers on bicycles, there will also be some training to do. These are people who work all day on a bicycle in the middle of the city. ”

Road Safety in schools

During the same intervention, andhe director of the DGT highlighted the “great work” that is being done in the different schools with road safety “for years” and, he insists, we must continue to transmit “the values ​​behind road safety”.

“I am not alone; I have to think of others; I have to share a limited and infinite space such as the public highway; It is important to comply with the rules that we have given each other for this to work; there is no room for individualism and selfishness.”

“If these values ​​are transmitted at school, we will feel comfortable, picking it up later and applying it all to road training. If in the end individualism and selfishness prevail at school, then we will have very difficult road training work”, concludes Pere Navarro.

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