Two brothers, aged 22 and 17, have been arrested by the Police after stealing 40,000 euros in cash from an elderly couple, who had taken their life savings to the Sevillian hospital in Virgen del Rocío for the indefinite admission of the 86-year-old woman, whom her husband was accompanying, reports Europa Press.
After the admission of his wife, the elderly husband had decided to take all the money that the couple had to the hospital for fear that they would break into their house during the absence of marriage.
At the hospital, he kept it in a locker closet, from which two brothers, relatives of the woman’s roommate, stole it, in a moment of absence of the husband.
It all happened on March 15, the day on which, After reviewing the security cameras and taking statements from several witnesses, the National Police identified the suspects and, the day after the robbery, he located one of the brothers, whose home they searched without finding the money.
One day later, the authorities had evidence that a group of people armed with baseball bats and hooded had tried to enter the house of the other suspect, before the rumor of the large amount of money he had in his possession.
The money was found by a dog
The Police located and detained the second suspect, minor and brother of the other detainee, and he managed to recover the money, which had been hidden in a field area near his girlfriend’s house.
They found him there thanks to the help from the Canine Guides Unit, specifically, from a dog specialized in the search for money. The authorities returned the money to the elderly couple and they accompanied them to a bank to be entered into a savings account.
The detainees were handed over to the Judicial Authority and the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office, the minor being admitted to a detention center and the other brother released on charges. Both are charged with a crime of theft.