On March 14, there was a filming in one billiards near the municipal palace of Chilancingo, Guerrero. At least two people died and at least two others were injured.

The event occurred around 1 p.m. this Tuesday inside the Club Verde establishment located in Valerio Trujano street. After the authorities were alerted to the emergency, elements of the Local police they reached the place.
It was unofficially mentioned that it was a direct armed attack against the victims, who were inside the company.

Mexican Red Cross and Civil Protection paramedics were also present, who transferred the hurt to nearby hospitals. They were reported as fallen down.
This is not the first recorded shooting in the state capital so far this year. In February alone, there were at least two violent events in the city, one in two establishments and the other in a housing estate.
The first event mentioned occurred on February 21 in the La Haciendita housing estate, where a man, who allegedly employee of a funeral home, was persecuted and killed. The second occurred on February 22 east of Chilpancigo, where authorities found gunshot wounds in restaurant and bar near the Los Cocos area.

On the other hand, on March 11, there was a armed attack in the hotel zone of the port of Acapulco. Around 10:30 a.m., witnesses informed authorities of gunshots near the Playa Suites hotel.
Police units and the General State Prosecutor’s Office (FGE) located two men lying on the ground, one dead and the other injured. It turned out that the dead man was a promoter of beach cleanups, and the one who was injured was a tourist.
In the territory of Guerrero, the State Secretariat for Public Security has identified at least two known criminal groups: the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the Michoacán familyin addition to various local criminal groups, such as Los Tlecos, Los Ardillos, and the Acapulco Independent Cartel.
On March 2 of this year, the FGE of Guerrero tried to strike a blow at the Michoacán family during operating in La Morenalocated in the municipality of petatlan. The purpose of the failed operation was to apprehend two men, the alleged leader of the place and the leader of the criminal organization’s hitmen.

En route to La Morena, authorities encountered people who have tried to slow their paceas well as obstacles such as flat tires and abandoned vehicles. Despite the circumstances, they managed to reach the place where the arrest warrants were to be executed.
However, the people who were to be arrested have not been located. The FGE carried out other actions in the community, including the Seizure of property, vehicles and a marijuana plantation who was cremated.
The property is a double decker luxury cabinwhile cars are of four types Pick up And two Camper. The planting of cannabis It had a dimension of 600 square meters with a height of 1 meter by 20 centimeters.
After the search, the personnel who took part in the operation went to town sky fieldin which they were expected by a group of about 25 peoplemostly women, armed with sticks and stones to prevent their access. Two elements were injured and a ministerial agent detonated his weapon against the ground to bring out those who were blocking the road.