The Ministry of Health of Mexico reported that 75 hospitals are above 70% in its general bed areas to care for patients with complications from COVID-19; others 12 hospitals are above that percentage in their intensive care areas; while in the occupancy of beds with ICU ventilator, 13 hospitals are in this situation. Altogether there are 100 hospitals.

The database of the country’s hospital system reports that these hospitals, which are at their maximum capacity, are distributed in 25 entities.

According to the most recent report, December 25e, among which it is recorded that there is no capacity to receive more patients in general beds are La Raza, General Hospital Ajusco Medio, various IMSS units in Mexico City, the hospital of Los Reyes la Paz, Molinito Y Coacalco in the State of Mexico.

This list includes the Regional in Guadalajara, the Hospital of Los Mochis in Sinaloa, the Gomez Palacio, Durango; Nicolás Garza and Félix U. Gómez in Nuevo León.

(Photo: FE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

The report of the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health reports that in more than a year and a half of the pandemic in our country they have been confirmed 3,950,200 cases of the new coronavirus and of them 298,759 people have lost their lives in this period.

However, on December 24, 2,916 were reported new infections and 89 deaths because of the disease.

Until 10 p.m. on Saturday, December 25, the Ministry of Health (Mexico) had not released the statement with the daily technical report; however, according to the updated page, the number of active cases with symptoms in the last 14 days amounts to 20,776.

Omicron in Mexico

Mexico continues with the increase in positive cases of the Omicron variant throughout the country, since on December 25 it was announced that the number of people infected with this new strain of coronavirus amounted to 42.

(Photo: EFE / Madla Hartz)

This was detailed in the database of GISAID (Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data), where they confirmed the report of the Sinaloa Health Secretariat, who revealed that the last suspect in Sinaloa was positive and that completes a total of 42 cases with the Omicron variant in Mexico.

This represents a 65% more than the data presented six days ago, when 25 cases with this new strain of SARS-CoV-2 were reported. Now there are eight more infected than those reported by Infobae Mexico yesterday, December 24, 2021, when 34 official positives were known.

Of the 42 cases carrying the Omicron variant in Mexico, 30 are located in Mexico City, eight in the State of Mexico, three in Tamaulipas and a last case reported in Sinaloa, which corresponds to a 33-year-old male.

This man is originally from Mazatlan and he is already in isolation, as is his wife, who had traveled to France in recent days. Later they were in Guadalajara and finally in Culiacan, where a test was performed that was positive.

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