Last Saturday May 16 in Colombia some WhatsApp conversations were leaked in which the doctor Juliana Andrea Rojas expressed that she was willing to go to the self-defense groups to “kill a thousand Indians”.
The complaint was published by ‘Noticias Uno’, who showed the screenshots in which the doctor said: “It makes you want the self-defense groups to come and literally finish off some 1,000 Indians, so just a few more so that they understand. I knew where I have to give the money for this to happen, there I go flying, if someone knows let me know”. The indignation of many people was immediate.
Before the news, the Imbanaco Clinic in Cali, where the doctor worked, announced that she was removed from her position after learning what happened. “After a responsible analysis of the facts, the Institution’s Ethics Committee has made the decision to unilaterally terminate the contract that mediates the relationship with an attached doctor since it does not represent the values and actions of our organization”, The entity wrote in a statement.
In turn, the Clinic stated that it rejected any form of discrimination and violence within their institution.
Information to the public opinion
– Clínica Imbanaco (@clinicaimbanaco) May 17, 2021
Along with this, the newscast contacted the doctor to find out her version of events and she responded through a statement in which she said: “I want to present my sincere apologies to the indigenous community and to all those people who have been justifiably offended by the totally wrong expressions that I used in a private chat and that were leaked”.
In turn, Rojas affirmed that she regretted having allowed herself to be permeated by the “context of terror” that has occurred in Cali, product of the national strike.
Finally, she reported that the leak of her name, telephone number and image spread on social networks has generated threats “Direct and serious” against her. “I fear for my life and the safety of my family, especially that of my young children.” The doctor wrote.