Maria Antonia Pardo, communicator and influential tweeter, produced outrage on Twitter after issuing a controversial statement at Space (a Twitter audio room) organized by The Reviewers, an opinion account that promotes conversations between protagonists of the entire Colombian political spectrum.

Pardo, whose username is @NanyPardo, assumed functions as director of communications for the senator Gustavo Petro, and by extension of her political movement Colombia Humana, with which she aspires to compete for the presidency of the Republic in 2022.

The audio that has transcended said Space refers to a part of the conversation that Pardo had with one of the moderators, Vane de Char (@Vanelaoji on Twitter) in which they discussed the death of a newborn in the blockade that occurred on the road that leads from Buenaventura to Cali.

Pardo stated that the way in which the news of the blockade was presented was very “inaccurate” to which Char replied with the phrase “But he died”. After this interpellation, Pardo replied:

The baby did not really die because of the protesters. If they let it pass and it was an emergency, the baby would have died just as unfortunately.

Pardo’s declaration provoked angry reactions in Space from the guests, among whom was the representative for Bogotá, Gabriel Santos, but the communicator concluded her presentation by assuring that she had “spoken directly with those involved”.

Faced with the reactions of other participants, who pointed to her words as “rude”, Pardo replied as follows: “But what do we do if it was a premature birth?” and asked that they respect her turn of exposure, after which the audio concludes.

The communicator has not commented on her Twitter account after these statements.

Pardo, who was part of a Space of Las Opinadoras, issued this controversial opinion that has not left anyone indifferent.

Reactions to the statements of María Antonia Pardo

The audio reached virality on Twitter, which was used both by opponents of Senator Petro and by opinion-makers related to his cause to express their rejection and disagreement with Pardo’s statements.

The user @Danielbricen indicated that “a lot of frivolity that of Nany Pardo. I still can’t believe so much callousness just for pandering to those who block roads. “

Rejection for statements by Nany Pardo regarding the blockades

The user @ElRepublicano09 noted shame for ‘sharing nationality with people like “Nany Pardo”.

Rejection for statements by Nany Pardo on Twitter

On the other hand, the user @ usag8108, Andrés G. Serrano, indicated that Pardo does not understand the dimension of the Historical Pact, the movement that seeks to promote the candidacy of convergence of the alternative sectors to the presidency.

Rejection for statements by Nany Pardo regarding the blockades

The death of the baby at the roadblock was one of the hottest issues in national politics during the previous weekend. The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, condemned the tragic event through his Twitter, in one of the official’s few political statements.

Twitter Minister of Health pronouncing on the death of a newborn due to blockades in western Colombia

Ruiz stated that “it seems that there are deaths that do not matter “.

In his words: “No one assumes responsibility for this new death in a new attack on the #MisiónMédica in Colombia? It seems that there are deaths that do not matter.

Ruiz alluded to the Twitter accounts of Human Rights Watch, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Pan American Health Organization and the UN representative for human rights Michelle bachelet, groups and civil servant who hold a critical position regarding the government’s handling of the crisis that lasted 26 days.

The balance of attacks due to the blockades in Colombia reached 123 medical missions and 49 ambulance attacks. The last reported occurred in Bogotá during the transit from May 22 to 23: 16 in the Americas portal.

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