The Secretariat for Global Risk Management and Civil Protection (SGIRPC) has indicated that for this Monday, March 6, the yellow alert was activated For high temperatures, which will be registered in the afternoon in several town halls of the Mexico.

According to the agency, the boundaries that will be affected by high temperatures are:
– Azcapotzalco
– Cuauhtemoc
– Gustavo A. Madero
– Iztacalco
-Miguel Hidalgo
– Venustiano Carranza
The forecast is for maximum temperatures between 28 to 30 degrees Celsius between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. of this first Monday of the month.

For the above, Civil protection recommends citizens to consider the following:
– Use sunscreen, minimum SPF15
– Wear loose, light-colored clothing
– Wear sunglasses, hat or cap
– Try not to expose yourself too long to the sun; avoid outdoor physical activities
– Eat fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables
– Stay hydrated at all times, even if you are not thirsty
– Avoid eating on public roads, as food breaks down quickly
– Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages
– Do not stay in a vehicle with the doors closed
– Never leave boys, girls, babies, elderly or disabled people in a car in the sun
Unlike previous days, for Monday it is not expected that there will be high rates of The UV radiation, however, they recommend maintaining the necessary precautions.

In addition to this, the Civil Protection recalls that pets get heat stroke too For this reason, he asks people to take care of them: make sure they always have water available, don’t leave them outside or walk them on the asphalt, because they could injure the pads of the paws because of the hot ground; Also, do not leave them in unventilated rooms or vehicles under the sun.
The authorities predict that at 6:00 p.m. the weather will be less hot and cooler until nightfall; It will reach 17° Celsius at midnight.
Green color: This refers to temperatures below 28° Celsius.
Yellow color: Activates for temperatures between 28 and 30° Celsius.
Orange color: activates with high temperatures between 31 and 33° Celsius.
Red color: This refers to temperatures between 34 and 36 degrees Celsius.
Purple color: This alert indicates temperatures above 36° Celsius.

The National Water Commission (With water) reported that an anticyclonic system in the middle levels of the atmosphere will continue to generate hot environment to very hot over most of Mexico, especially in the afternoon.
Temperatures are expected to hover between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius in Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Morelos, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Yucatan.
Despite the high temperatures, the Commission predicts that a new cold front approaches from northern Baja California and interacts with a current, a dry line over Coahuila and the entry of moisture from the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will cause isolated rains in the Valley of Mexico, Quintana Roo, Puebla, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Veracruz; as well as gusts of wind of 40 to 60 km/h in Campeche and Yucatán.
In case of emergency, citizens can call 911, Locatel 555 658 1111 and SGIRPC 555 683 2222 in Mexico City.